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Topic: once good news turned to horrible news. (Read 5973 times) previous topic - next topic

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #60
WooHoo! Thank God she is doing well.... She'll be wrecking the family car before you know it!

Shiny Side Up!
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #61
Well she is back in the hospital now the incision is bad infected got her on IV antibiotics now  looks like its going to be another 3-4 days in if they dont decide to send her back to vanderbuilt.
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #62
 dude, that blows...:sorry:
We're keeping that cute little girl of yours..and the rest of you our thoughts. :bowdown:
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #63
Sorry to see that, We where really excited for you that she was finally home. Hopefully it won't get any worse and she'll get to come home again in no time.

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #64
Quote from: SLEEPER T-BIRD 87;298905
Well she is back in the hospital now the incision is bad infected got her on IV antibiotics now  looks like its going to be another 3-4 days in if they dont decide to send her back to vanderbuilt.

Today they decided to send her back to vanderbuilt..I just cant take anymore of this
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #65
Just keep positive. They're doing what they think is best for her. The other hospital is probably better equipped to take care of her needs. It'll all pay off in the long run.

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #66
and back home again... hope for a while this time
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #67
excellent news!

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #69
How about an update? How's that little one doing? I pray she's well!

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #70
Still in our thoughts and prayers... glad to see she is back home!

Bill & Kristy
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis


once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #71
+1 You guys have been on my mind and in my prayers. I hope all is going well!