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Topic: once good news turned to horrible news. (Read 5965 times) previous topic - next topic

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #45
you got my prayers. everything go ok?
Currently Birdless but never Foxless

86 Mustang GT

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #46
Quote from: 88turbo;295854
hope everything goes well :D  will be thinking about you guys

Quote from: 1Bad88tbird;296162
Thoughts and prayers go out to both you and Blackout! Hope everything goes well for both of your families!!

Quote from: ProTouring442;296177
In our thoughts and prayers...

Bill & Kristy

Quote from: 88turbo;296189
is everything ok?  the suspense is killing me hope all is well and the baby is healthy.

Quote from: Dougy_Fresh;296316
you got my prayers. everything go ok?

thanks guys My lack of mobile phone internet usage showed me i cant post here from it. I came home tonight to check on a few things and so i could update this thread,

Tonight at 7.49 cst shelby grace grimes was born.7 lbs 8 oz . 19 in long . We are at vanderbuilt due to a heart defect she is stable now in the nicu. Im having to type from my cell. Please keep us in your thoughts.

We talked to the cardioligest this morning.waiting to meet with surgeon.even with a little rest im still beat.this is the biggest hospital ive ever seen. Staff seems great.

Thanks guys we appreciate the kind words and thoughts.still waiting to meet with the surgeon but shelby is doing well tonight and off some of the medication they put her last night.i will keep updating as we learn more. please keep her in your thoughts and prayers
they set the date for wensday for surgery. Hope i can get to a real pc so i can get off my phone and give a real deataled update

they decided on a surgery @ 7am tommorow going to put a band on a main arterie to restrict blood flow to the lungs. S0 please keep her in your thoughts and prayers

waiting in the OR waiting room (early)
 She is out of surgery now seems to be so overwhelmed seeing all these tubes now

Little update looks like she is doing better they are keeping her pretty sedated. Ill be glad when they start taking some of these tubes out.

She is off the venalator now.

Ive got alot of pics.she is doing well as of tonight they took a few more tubes out hope we get to go home soon.

Every thing is now out except the iv,they moved us out of the picu into a regular room. Hopefully it wont be long now she has done great today so far!

Well I had to come back home for a little while to check on things.feed the animals etc. Feels good to be home even though i know it is temporary and i will have to back to nashville.

Little shelby is doing fine right now,she got a little dehydrated last night and her blood pressure dropped some but it is back up and stabilized now.Doctors said if all keeps going well she could be home anywere from wensday to next week.I left my camera with my wife but ill post some pics up when we get home

This is everything i sent from my phone so you guys can finally see it .
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #47
Thanks for the update. Sounds like you guys have been put through the ringer. I'm glad she's doing better, that's always a relief! You'll defenately be in our thoughts and prayers.

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #48
I couldn't imagine what it must be like to go through this. You and your family are in mine and Nicole's thoughts. :bowdown:
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #49
So glad she's doing well.

The things they can do for babies and little kids is just amazing... my niece had open heart surgery when she was 2 years old (she had an artery that wasn't big enough so they had to enlarge it) and less than a month after surgery, she was strutting down the isle for my (first) wedding.... that was 19 years ago.

Take and your wife need a lot of rest.... before you know it, Shelby will be home then running around before you know it!

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #50
Thank god she is on the up and up. Hope everything goes well from here. God bless. And Shelby is a beautiful name.

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #51
glad to hear everything is going well :)  little girl sounds strong already.  and Shelby is a very pretty name did it come from the car gods??  lol

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #52
Glad to hear everything is looking up. I'm sure you all can't wait to get home. Definately sounds like you have a fighter on your hands!

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #53
congrats to you and the wife and god bless, man!  we'll keep y'all in our thoughts and prayers.  i agree with crystal, ya got a fighter there!

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #54
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #56
Quote from: 1Bad88tbird;298720
Aww! She's a cutie!! How's she doing now?

She seems to be doing good they released her this morning. still got the feeding tube for now ubtill she pics her feeds up.
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #57
She's adorable bud, before you know it she's gonna be running around and wanting to go bye bye

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #58
That good to hear. I'm sure you guys are happy to have her home. I'm happy for yinz.

once good news turned to horrible news.

Reply #59
Awww....hopefully all the medical stuff she's going through right now will soon be in the past..

Congrats again man! :D
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6