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Topic: I'm new, heres my cat!! (Read 1843 times) previous topic - next topic

I'm new, heres my cat!!

Reply #15
Quote from: Ether947;187226
Cool. I'm not in the Navy anymore. I was an ET stationed on the Truman. Been almost 8 years though. Man I'm old. lol. What ship are you on?

I WAS on the Elrod.  Now I'm in san-diego till December going to STG A and C school.  I was an EN but got a forced conversion due to medical reasons.  I'm going back to the Winston Churchill though, DDG81

I'm new, heres my cat!!

Reply #16
Oh here is a pic of my wife's cougar as well. her's is a 2000.  She isnt missing the center cap off the rear wheel any more and her brake drums are no longer red.  they were like that when i bought the car, so i painted them black.


I'm new, heres my cat!!

Reply #17
Nice ride, Punisher!