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Messages - akh43

General Fox T-Bird/Cougar Discussion / Post your 2012 Tbird/Cougar TO-DO list
for this summer i only finish what i've started
-wait for my che control arm  and bolt it on
-order diff bushing
-put my tc rear
-fix the floor,seat rails,make sfc
-reinstall bucket seats
-plug my prop valve
-get e-brake cables
-make space on e-bay
-remove egr and clim
-e-fan with thermo switch,relay....
-remove dust of my shorties with dual who was in the attic and swap it in with lock bolts
-go to alignement
-clutch job on diff
-draw on the road with my old rear tires 
-install my potenza
-pray for the summer not ending after all those mod
Lounge / westcoast snowboard trip
any canadian from bc/alberta know a good deal for snowboarding/sleeping for
- the big 3
- kickin horse
- silverstar
- big white

thanx im plannig a trip for 2 week this winter around jan 2 to 16
Engine Tech / Intake Gasket
if you buy a complet gasket kit it come with the distributor o-ring and pcv filter
Drivetrain Tech / driveshaft diameter
i pull the alu shaft out from a f-150
the guy want 75 $
and the shop 75$ for shrink it
but its the 4.25 inch i'm not sure
Lounge / new bird pic come soon
i buy my second bird this week-end
the guy has put tons of horrible sticker on the car and
a plane spoiler on the trunk .
project #2 start this week