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Messages - kingcars

Lounge / New member saying hello!!
Funny you mentioned that, I just noticed a box bird sitting in someone's yard yesterday when I was coming home from the movies.  Looked just like the Tbird in scott's sig.

It's funny how parts start growing legs on these forums.  I still cant find where my Turbo Coupe hood went. :flame:
Lounge / New member saying hello!!
Welcome to the club.  Just make sure that parts don't start "disappearing" off of your car...  :D
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
Well, we talked to the seller, and he just made the same mistake my dad and I did:  assumed it was an HO due to the top plate.  All is not lost, though, because right as I walked upstairs, the UPS man came by and delivered my throttle body, which I measured and is 70mm in diameter on one side and a little over 60mm (closer to 65) on the other side.  We plan to take the TB and manifold to the machine shop (where the Chevelle's engine now lays) and see if they can match the bores of the manifold and TB for the best possible air flow, so it might actually end up working better.  We still might get a legit HO upper intake, but that's our backup plan in case we can't find one.

And shame, did you make sure the bore was 60mm?  Mine came out to be 55mm.
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
Ok, so if worse comes to worse we'll just bore it.  If I come across a legit HO manifold, I'll pick one up, but if not, I'll just work with what I have.  Thank you everyone very much for your help.  Sorry if I've been a bit impatient; I'm just not too thrilled right now, but it could be worse.  My 19lb fuel injectors arrived today and they seem to be exactly what I need, so at least something went right :) .
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
So the only difference is the bore of the hole on the end?  Or is the bore larger throughout the whole manifold?

I did find a picture of a legit HO upper intake and mine definately doesn't have that marking.  Thanks for the close ups, Cougar.
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
Thanks for the info, guys.  I'll measure it later, but it looks like I got screwed.  :shoothead

Just measured.  55mm.  There's $30 down the drain.
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
Just took another look to see if I missed something.  All I see on it is a marker written H.  Looks like I got ripped off...
Engine Tech / HO upper intake question
My upper intake arrived today, and when I looked under the plate, I didn't see HO stamped anywhere.  I saw an H written in marker and what looks like a worn off O next to it; is that a factory marking, or is it supposed to be stamped in the metal?  It came off of an 88 Mustang 5.0.  Or is it in one of the crevices where I haven't looked?
Lounge / horsepower TV is doing a mustang
HAHA yeah!  I always mock them when the commercials come on.  I'll say, "OH MY GOSH I JUST TOOK THE HEADS OFF OF THIS CAR!!!!  HERE YOU CAN SEE THE CYLINDERS IN THE BLOCK!!!!"