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Topic: seeds (Read 4034 times) previous topic - next topic


who here saves back their seeds from gardening>>?

I have *********WAY TOO MANY********** and its a sin to waste them.

I want this to be a serious topic for serious times by serious people who are not asleep.
I am considering a zero dollar cost idea to network us all together on one platform that will eventually piss off the globalists.

Re: seeds

Reply #1
I had some bird seed once and threw it on the ground.

Not a single bird grew out of that bird seed. I lost my interest in gardening.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: seeds

Reply #2
When the day comes that big mushrooms spout up all over densely populated areas and mil. bases, your idea(s) will have great weight and few adherents.

Thank all that's holy that there are means to survive should the supply chain of food dry up.

While I don't really believe such a time will happen, it COULD, and so...

And, if it doesn't....well, I won't ever regret the fun I had, with firearms, knives, and the time spent outdoors.

Look sharp, sleep lightly, and trust rarely.

I rarely wax political these days, but....boys, shiznit can turn a lot worse without any warning.
Stay safe.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Re: seeds

Reply #3
putting out another reminder.............
if anyone here wants to trade seeds i have plenty.

this past year i purchased zero plants,, everything i grew was 90% from the previous years yield.
everything i grew was seed over the course of the past 3 years so my  seeds are aclimated to zone 6A and showing proof positive a pest resiliance / evolving to my climate as what is spoke to us from the bible.

See my youtube channel with an avitar of a 20th aniv cougar logo.. 

channel name is.........

I fix it all

if you want some free seeds,, lets coordinate ,, 304 772 4082

Re: seeds

Reply #4
i will have a lot of extra butter nut seed,,LOTS along with pumpkin.
but i have a lot of other types of exta seeds if anyone wants food without harmful ingredients.  all are free and also i am interested in trading.

tip of the day for zone 6A
*How to get two crops of taters in one year and **BEAT** potato bugs an thier own game.........

pick a spot in your yard to lay out abotu 12'' deep of mulch.
try to get mulch from a tree trim company and they will generally dump it at your yard if they are working close by.
let it sit over winter.
come jan eb,, start poking around trying to find anyone with seed potatoes.
target having seed potatoes in your hands in the month of january
store the bag in a warm area of the house and allow them to "eye" up.
mid to late feb lay off your tater rows with a hoe or rake.
drop your quartered up tater seed and cover them up with mulch pertty deep like as deep into the mulch as you can.
dont worry about frosts, the taters will sprout,, cold may kill off the wirey shoots at the tippy tops but they will make it.
warm weather will come and they will go gang busters in your new mulch
in may have another sack of seed taters on standby and let them eye out.
2nd week of june you simple rake back the mulch and pick up your taters.
drop in your new quartered up tater sets and cover them really deep.
harvest your second set as you see fit.

what have you done?  you have broken the potato bugs pattern,, they generally show up during late june and hang out to destroy
yoru plants especially red potatoes.
welll.. since you harvested around the time they were waking up,, they had nothing to do so they move along or just have nothing to eat.  your second crop will be coming on later in the year when they have long abandoned ship.

you get two crops of taters and avoid tater bugs.
best part is,, you save back some taters over winter and a lot of those will eye up and be itching to get in the ground really early anyway so you will end up sourcing your seed from yourself.

i cant stress this part enough,, you gotta have sun............  must have sun and you gotta observe your obstructions now when the sun is low.  its better to catch the tree obstructions in the spring also,, and just drop them into your woods.  let the tree dry out for use over winter if you heat with wood.  gotta have sun!!!!!!!  you have to have a min of at least 8 good hours of sun to make a garden useful.  8hrs of sun in the spring  months is equal to what you would see in the later months.. this means your over 8hrs in the summer.  you cant garden if you dont have sun.  also,, if your doing raised beds (NEW),, make sure your broad / long sides of your beds are south facing,, or easier said,, make sure the skinny ends are aimed east to west.  this will dispurse sunlight more/most evenly across all the beds.

Re: seeds

Reply #5
january is a good time to locate your supplies.
if anyone wants seeds that have been harvested from naturally grown food , plucked out and dried by myself,, then call 304 772 4082 or

good healthy food with a natural foundation is becoming rare by the day now.

if you have seeds you have saved back from your past harvest i am open to trading.... especially if you are in a zone 6 or 6a climate.

if you want to see where my seeds came from,, you can go to the below link and just look for any of my garden vids.
by the way,, the way i garden,, there is no weeding,, no hoeing and barely any watering ,, literally almost zero work!!

Re: seeds

Reply #6
start your sweet potato slips now if you like,, anywhere between now and mid jan,, drop your sweet potato into a jar with toothpicks and get those sprouts started so you have time in march to get them into dirt and drop em in the ground when its warm.