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Topic: So I had a bad week pretty much.... (Read 1492 times) previous topic - next topic

So I had a bad week pretty much....

This all happened a week or so ago, and I just got it all straightend out...

My dad's van broke down and I had no ride to work, so I ended up taking the motor cycle (reguardless of what you say, I had no choice in the matter, I had to get to work). The bike hasent been moved in over a year, and or course had lapsed insurance and registration. I got to work fine, but after work I couldnt get it to start cause the battery was dead.
      So I ended up push starting it (that sucks, 600ish lb bike, 200lb me after a long day of work) and I got it to start, but it needed to get warmed up, being a carb on a cold after noon, after being hosed down by the sprinklers at work( Oh I loved that btw). I get to the light, and the bike dies when I tried to gas it to go.
          So here I am trying to start the ed thing in the middle of a green light. Get it started, pull through the light, and a cop flips a bitch and rides my ass through about 5 miles then pulls me over. Impounds the bike and gives me a ticket for no motorcycle endorsp00get, no insurance and revoked registration, for no insurance.
      Cost me $400ish just to get it out, and I still have to go to court for all the other parts...

I am super pissed about the whole situation, and the worst part was, the cop gave me a subriety test because my eyes were blood shot from driving the bike without a viser or wind sheild and wouldnt let me get the helmet off of the bike or put the seat back on when I took it off to get the registration. Oh, and I also dropped my cell phone when the cop made me hand him my keys and it broke my phone as well...:mad:

The worst part is, that was all of my money for the next week, my only means of transportation, and I had to get it out of impound the same day that my dad got married.

Also, its a $400 ticket for not having insurance, a $40 ticket for no registration, and they make you get the same insurance as drunk drivers after getting pulled over for no insurance.

So now, car insurance will be about $200 a month, with around $500 just to pay in fines after dropping $400 to get it out of impound. Oh that, and my dad wasent able to get the van going and I had no money for gas or the bus after paying for getting it out, and I ended up losing my job because I had no way to get up there.

Why is it illegal to not have insurance? I have never hit another car, or caused anyone else any damage in all 3 years of my driving. Well, I did hit a fire hydrant, but I was going the speed limit in rain went around a blind curve, swearved to miss a boulder in the road (why it was there I still dont know) and ended up just over the curb and just tapped the hydrant. I notified the police and they didnt even charge me with anything because there was no real damage to the hydrant. Big old hole in my door though.

Well long story short, it was all I could do to not go get my car and smash it into something. I dont know. I am screwed though. I just lost about $900 because I had no way to get to work, and I was forced to quit cause I didnt have a legal car. Which  me off more, because I had $400 because I was going to get insurance and register my black car the very next day.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #1
Why is it illegal to not have insurance? I have never hit another car, or caused anyone else any damage in all 3 years of my driving.

Well, gee...3 years of driving and you are just the road king aren't ya? Yeah, 3 years of experience is a lot, I know....I just don't get why you have to have insurance with 3 years of driving experience!:bowdown:

I think I am going to sue someone..I've had almost 18 years of driving experience, no accidents, no tickets, and I still have to pay  insurance!! It just ain't right! I tell ya man...this makes me so mad....18 years of driving experience and I still have to have insurance!!!:bs:

Ok, I have to ask...what age are you dude? Like 19 or 20??
I hate to tell you this, but we all oay for car insurance, many of us for a lot longer than you have been, many of us having no accidents or tickets...and we do it because it's the law!
Grow up dood!
Let's look at your situation..... you were completely ILLEGAL! You had a bike with no registration, no insurance and no licence to ride and now you are pissed because it cost you money in the end for breaking the law  ??? Hell, the only thing missing was an open container of beer, so you could drink it while you were riding along!

Buddy, you really need a reality check! Why not try playing adult for a bit and doing what you are supposed to do, legally? :bs: :nono: :asshole: :screwy:

Dumbass people:mad:

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #2
Insurance is also for other people other than you...if you are the cause of an accident and injure someone in an accident your insurance covers that so you dont get your ass sued off from the injured party. Look at it this way, if you were t boned by another vehicle while cruizin and they dont have insurance you would need to sue them for damages and injuries, now lets say that this person was low income and had no money and no possesions its pretty hard to get blood from a stone. You would be covering your own hospital bills damage/replacement of your own vehicle etc etc. Insurance is there to help protect everyone on the road.
I realize your situation sucks but chalk it up as a lesson learned, all be it a poopy lesson but none the less lesson learned. I'm sure you knew the risks before you hit the road without all the paperwork in order. Where i am from a simple phone call to my insurance company would get me insurance immediately for whatever required. And the registration..thats the cheap part ,nothing stopping you from getting that as well before you hit the road. I guess its a good thing you didnt get in your car and crash into something as you have no insurance on it. I'm not usually as brutally honest as little angel but I do agree with her.

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #3
LOL, I'm only this brutal when I don't get my meds.... lmao

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #4
I'd probably say I'd have to run your ass over if you hit me while driving with no insurance.  I can't believe there are still some states where you aren't bound by Law to carry it!  Another message board I'm on, a kid in, I think it's Massachusetts, drives around with no insurance all the time. Ugh!

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #5
I don't wanna be political in this situation...but what if someone with no insurance kills another motorist...would be a bad place to be in, for sure.

I know there are times when a person is kinda left without a choice, I've had to drive my Tbird to town once, because...surprise surprise, the Chevy :bs: truck..well....:flame: was a :bs: Chevy, and left me stranded.
(dead battery, no charger or jumper cables here at the time):hick:

But as far as driving around constantly without insurance, oh hell no... that person better hope he/she doesn't hit me, or worse, injure me or mine. :nono:
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #6
Insurance is a scam, plain and simple.. where you pay as much as they can get from ya just so they can pay as little as possible back to ya when you or someone else desperately needs it. Unfortunately, it's a scam most of us have to buy into. I've heard of alternatives like sticking $10,000 in a bank account or something like that.. but if we could afford  to do that, would we be worried about driving anything uninsured?

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #7
But there are choices...(1)get a ride from a friend (2) get a ride from family (3) rent a vehicle (4) ride a bike(5) Borrow a close freinds vehicle(6) take a bus (7) get a cab (8) Subway (9) walk (10)temporary insurance (11) hitch hike( ya i know that would suck)(12) Girlfriend gives you a lift etc etc. The law is the law...I think anyone of those is a much better option than what could happen or what did happen in Haystacks situation as you could get a lot of cab rides for $1000+.

Bird 351...A scam! i would have to guess you have never had to use your insurance for anything serious, If you think 10 grand is going to cover a knarly car accident with serious injuries or death involved you are in for a surprize, I am sure you have heard of Million dollar liability coverage! Holy cow man! 10 Grand ya OK. Not everybody drives aroung in 2-3 thousand dollar cars, the truck that hit my truck a couple months ago is probably glad he didnt choose to go with the 10K in bank as apposed to insurance as that was a 50K dollar truck of mine he wrote off and i dont think that would quite get er!

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #8

But hell, if I had 60 G, I could mod hell out of 8 or 9 Tbirds, and still have enough coin left over to legally drive every one of 'em.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #9
Even $60k won't cover your ass if you paralyze someone, or vice versa.

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #10
Well, then I guess it's time to find a lawyer...:flame:
Sounds like a crock of shiznit to me..but i didnt make the law...I think they just made it 60 thousand cause nobody with that kinda money is gonna use it for something like that in the first place...
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #11
Quote from: Ifixyawata
Even $60k won't cover your ass if you paralyze someone, or vice versa.

Tell me about it! I got over 3 times that in 83 for my claim. And that wasn't nearly enough IMO.

Everybody should carry at lease 2mil public liability.

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #12
Yeah I know I was being stupid, I was just pissed off about it when I wrote that. So yeah. Sorry to burden everyone and piss them off. I know that I should have had insurance, and I am planning on getting it as soon as I can get my car back on the road. But until then I will just drive my dad's van.

I really sounded stupid there.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #13
Young and dumb, I just drove my mustang down town for DQ and to visit a friend at work then came home with my sprint plates on it.

I once drove my t-bird for almost a year with only my learners permit and no insurance, then for a while with my full licence and no insurance till I was able to afford it. Winter -30C and an hour walk to work 1/2 hour walk to the nearest bus stop will do that. I was actually a more cautious more attentive driver then than I am now, more to lose if you get caught.

Anyway not saying that its right (cause it's not) but some times you gotta do what you gotta do.

shiznit happens, dont lynch the guy for it.

Live, Learn, and try not to get shot.
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

So I had a bad week pretty much....

Reply #14
Ahh, dont be bad with the guy, he only had a bad day with a very bad luck. Can happen to everyone here. Yes, its very dangerous drive without insurance but sometimes, like Bird351 said, insurance is a friggin scam.

He has learned the lesson by the hard way. Dont mess with that....

Hey bro, tell to the guys when you got your car out of the impound !!!
1985 Mercury Cougar V6
1989 F-200 V8
1996 Explorer V6
2001 F-150