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Topic: WOW...A good ending to this story (Read 762 times) previous topic - next topic

WOW...A good ending to this story

Yes, you've heard me whining about my dead cylinder for the past few weeks, but after having one of my friends doing me a solid and taking time looking at my car, it turns out NOT to have a dead cylinder. The original mechanic prolly didn't wantto bother with the car since it was only there for a inspection, so he told my dad one of the spark plugs were fouled with oil and the cylinder was dead. Then my friend really gave the car a good look and did a compression test. Being that I bought the wrong spark plugs, he just pulled the old ones and cleaned them up. Just by doing that the engine is barely missing now and runs a thousand times better. He told me to go buy a new rotor, cap, and some good heavy duty wires along with carb cleaner and grey silicone so he could finish my car up. Basically the car needed a good tune up. All I need now before i go back to SUNY Oneonta is new tires, an oil change, and a nice detailing. By the weekend the cougar should be on the prowl for some babes (not like it hasn't been all along). Thanks for everybody listening and leave me comments about what you guys think. :rollin:

WOW...A good ending to this story

Reply #1
glad you finally got her running right