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Topic: '83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale (Read 1767 times) previous topic - next topic

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Hey all,
As bad as I hate to admit it, I'm probably fooling myself thinking I'll be able to get my '83 put together to my satisfaction.  As some of you may recall, I got this '83 with a busted rear axle, but when I actually saw it, I realized that the front end was tweaked, too, on the driver's side.  I've still got an '84 LS that was my original project, but it's got a pretty good case of the 'rusties' underneath and in the doors/quarters/trunk lid.  The '83 is the dark gray car, and the '84 is the tan one.  The '83 will need the core support replaced, and maybe a little of the subframe.  I've still got the front fenders, but the header and bumper cover are gone.  On the positive side, this car is almost rust-free, outside and underneath.  It's got a great running carbed V6 with 101k on it.  The interior is also near perfect, with all the bells and whistles that an '83 LS could come with.  There is only very slight fading of the red upholstery, since the windows have been tinted.  It's got the digital speedo (hey, it's still better than the standard '83/'84 dash).  There is a good set of taillights in the trunk from the tan car.  The tan '84 is also a runner, with a fuelie V6 with 114k.  It does have a coolant leak from the right rear of the motor when it gets warm.  I have driven it some and it moves for a V6.  It's got a 3.27 rear.  Both cars are AOD's.  The snowflakes on the '83 would not go with it.  I have begun to disassemble the interior of the tan '84, and there might be some of those parts I choose to keep, but maybe not.  Its interior was also nice, though not as nice as the gray '83.  Both are LS's.  Both have the illuminated coach lights (the ones from the tan car are inside it). 

I had planned on cutting off part of the '84's front end (radiator support and maybe a little farther back) to fix the '83.  Then the tan '84 was probably going to the s yard.  I may have the header panel, front bumper cover, right headlight bucket, and grille sold to another member.  Both cars also have side marker lamps.  On the '83, I just can't bring myself to junk it, even with a crooked front end.  It's basically a low-mileage, rust-free car that is worth fixing.  I just don't think I have the skills to do it, and can't afford to have it done by somebody who does. 

I'd like to sell them together.  They both have clear titles.  I wanted to see if there was any interest.  Please don't make me junk the '83.  I'd like $300 for the pair, which is negotiable.  Please save a good car's life.  Give me a holler.


P.S. I'm not planning on getting out of the Cougar business.  I'll keep my eyes open for another '83/'86 that needs a little less attention than these two.

I live in Marshall, IL  62441.  I'm 3.5 hours south of Chicago, 3 hours east of St. Louis, and 2 hours west of Indianapolis.

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #1
More pictures.

P.P.S.  The fuel tank under the '83 does not go with it.  Its tank is still safely secured where it should be.  The one on the ground is one I took out of an '88 TC.  It is for sale, though.

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #2
wow sorry to hear that. but if you don't sell em complete would you concider selling parts off it? if so let me know when and what parts are good. thank you!! Ps. Also on the black cat are those c pillar emblems the ones that light up if so how much ya want for em?
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #3
If I actually had room I'd be interested in the '83....but I just have none at the moment.

I could use a rust-free Cougar though.... (the XR-7 is not in the best shape).  Let me ponder.....

Any pics of underneath?  I need to search for the pics of the damage to the front.  I don't think you ever had good pics of it though...
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #4
Quote from: fordman3
I live in Marshall, IL  62441.  I'm 3.5 hours south of Chicago, 3 hours east of St. Louis, and 2 hours west of Indianapolis.

And that is the middle of no where. But seriously if you are any good at welding I just cut the front end off my part Mark VII if you would want to try and fix the damage.

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #5
I know someone in Marshall and may have them slide by to check out the '83 for me to get another set of eyes on it.

PM me more contact info as I may just have him call you to work out sliding by.

I need to see if I can even work it though too.  (I'd have to drag my 84 here..strip it...get it hauled off and then get that one) Additionally I would have no need for the 3.8/auto....and would rather it not be in the car if I bought it.
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #6
Well, that totally sucked!  I just wrote a long-winded reply and hit Submit, and then somehow I had been logged out and when I entered my username and password, it appeared to lock up, then I tried to go Back to see if the message was still there, and boom, it was gone.

Anyway, what I basically said/asked was:

Chuck, would you consider coming to my house in Marshall to look over the 2 cars and advise me on what you would do.  Part of me still really wants to hang onto the '83, and I've got all the parts to make the repairs with in the '84.  Trouble is, I have "0" welding skills, and the one friend I have in town who can cut and weld has his own obligations and things that keep him busy, and I can't really afford to pay him for his time.  Chuck, I would consider it a favor/honor if you could drop by on some nearby weekend that you didn't have booked up.  I don't know you and you don't know me, but I would like to meet you and absorb some of that vast knowledge of all things Fox.  I'm really torn on what I want to do.  I tend to overestimate what I can or have time to do with a car.  Again, please consider the invitation to Marshall.  I would appreciate it.  By the way, who do you know in Marshall?  I may know them, too (it's a small place).

Thanks again for all the comments and suggestions.


'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #7
Well the person I know in Marshall is Bob Lee....folks in the 2.3T circles will know him for his headers and such.

You big tease...  I know how you feel though.  Sometimes it's hard to let things go, but not knowing your overall skills, it might be best to try and find a more "sound" starting point.  I'm not a big fan of body work, but little rust is more important to me at the moment. 

I might be able to stop by at some point, just not sure when.  Aside from just being generally busy all the ed time, I have a couple other things making my life a little hectic at the moment.  I have family in St. Louis, but have no plans to head that way any time soon.

How bad is the rust on the '84?
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #8
Thanks for the quick response.  I'm not totally dismissing the possibility of letting the '83 go.  I wasn't meaning to completely reneg on the original idea.  I'm just wondering if you could view the car firsthand and 'objectively' tell me what would be the best route to go down.  If it's better to let her go, then that's what I'll have to do.

By the way, just saw your 'Bird at the top of the page.  If I decide to keep the '83 Cougar, I do know where at least one 4-eyed 'Bird is that 'might' be available (it's one of those that has been sitting in the same place for who knows how long, so one might assume it's available).  As a matter of fact, I know where a second '83/'86 'Bird is.  As I recall, neither of them have obvious external flaws, but they are each several miles from me and I don't see them frequently.  The first is an '83/'84 for sure, silver with gray cloth interior, driver's window busted out, but the interior otherwise looks good.  Don't recall much about any rust.  Another is a black car, can't specify '83/'84 or '85/'86 (got a passing glance of it), but I'm told it also has sat motionless for a long time.  As I remember, it appeared pretty clean on the exterior, too.  Just thought I'd offer those up as possible alternatives.

Thanks again for your understanding of the situation, and don't give up on the '83 just yet.


'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #9
The only thing I'd replace the XR-7 with is another 83-84 Cougar. ;)

Well, I talked to Bob and he is willing to swing by and look at the car.  He can objectively look it over an let you know what he thinks and I'm also just curious on a few other details on the car as well.  If you want to PM me a phone number, I can pass it on.
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #10
Here are a few more pics.  The one of the rear end probably won't show you much, but see for yourself.  I'll be gone from Friday thru Sunday.  I haven't heard from Bob yet.  Anyway, check the pics and have a good weekend.

Fordman3 (Eric)

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #11
I can't the front bumper crooked and higher on the driver side? (that's why I asked for a front on shot ;) )

From the earlier pics, the driver side fender (when it was still on the car) didn't look to skewed near the door, and perhaps was just bent up near the front where the contact/damage was.

Not sure about Bob...I gave him the info, but he might not ahve checked it yet.

Anyway, if the bumper is straight (or pretty close) and nothing is broken at the rear suspension mounting points I'm probably interested in the car of you decide to sell it.
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #12
Sorry about that.  I was trying to show the wrinkled corner on the driver's side and forgot to show a head-on shot.  Yes, the bumper is pushed up on the driver's side, and pushed maybe a little sideways to the driver's side.  The driver's fender was only very slightly bent out at the front.  It did not have a big bow in it like you'd imagine it might, and it had not been pushed back into the door.  When I first bought it, the seller didn't even really let on that the front end was bent.  He honestly maybe hadn't even looked at it head on.  The only giveaway was that the hood didn't appear to line up with the header panel. 


'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #13
Well I'm still interested.  I guess we'll see if Bob get's ahold of you and what your decision is to sell it.
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

'83 and '84 LS Cougars For Sale

Reply #14
so is that the black cougar that hs the bent frount end? if not how much for the c pillar emblems if there the ones that light up?
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com