A Rookie cop ruined my life!
Tonite I was having fun riding around in my Escape. Had 3 friends with me, listening to Chinese Freestyle by CKY and having a good time. So naturally I saw a cop, and thought, hmmmm, wonder what it would be like to play the COPS theme song real loud and drive around. So I did, I end up next to him at a stop light. I turn right on the green and then YOU KNOW IT. He follows me and turns on his lights. After 30 minutes of waiting. $70 for my driver side mirror having window chalk on it. He and I quote, said, "If you go wash your car right now I wont give you a ticket for the writing on the rest of your car." B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. So I went to the gas station threw some windshield cleaner on it and let it run off. Then I tore ass through mud. So successfully, a few friends wrote on my car, I leave it due to work and get a ticket for it, clean it then tear up my brand new car mudding. One HELL of a fun night.