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Topic: What happened to Vanilla pen 15e??? (Read 3986 times) previous topic - next topic

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #15
I must live in Caffine capitol of the world I have a can of each flavor on display on my desk at work. All of them are empty of course.

But energy drinks and Jolt and thinks like that are all you can find at the gas stations here. I have to hunt to find something for my kids to drink when we are out.

Walk into the gas station and look at the coolers 3 of the 4 have power drinks and coffe the fouth has koolaid and gateraid in it. Maybe find Crush but thats about it.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #16
Yeah JOLT has branched off into different product also, jolt gum and mints now are avaliable. This place has a bunch of caffeinated stuff.

Oh you cant froget Bawls either if we are going to be discussing energy drinks i love that shiznit.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #17
I just saw an add for Diet Cherry Vanilla Doctor Pepsi.  Seriously...
Doesn't that sound disgusting?

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #18
i tryed some of those wierd sody pops and all i can say is god bless the original doctor pepper. there is nothing else neer as good. the entire time i was in LA i couldnt find a doctor pepper so i know how you guyes feel not having what you want.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #19
Coca-Cola's new Vault drink tastes a lot like Surge.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #20
Quote from: 84t-bird
all i can say is god bless the original doctor pepper. there is nothing else neer as good.

Oh you are so correct!!!!  Nothing compares!
Quote from: Ifixyawata

Coca-Cola's new Vault drink tastes a lot like Surge.

If anyone recalls there were two different mixes of surge.  The origbuttstuff, Black surge writing with red around it, then green label.  And the second watterd down piss that had the yellow splash around the black surge writing.
Vault tastes like the watterd down piss.  Nothing will live up to the origbuttstuff surge drink.  That stuff was super strong.
One 88

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #21
i miss pepsi free and rc cola and tab

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #22
I swear Rc Cola can still be had around here.
Also I bet none of you have heard of Ski?  Its made about 45 minutes from hear.  Great stuff!
Ski Citrus Soda is one of those classic sodas that we could just keep drinking and drinking. It's sweet and refreshing with just the right amount of fruit taste --
One 88

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #23
ive seen rc cola around her recently. i dont think ive ever had it due to the store it can be bought in has stewarts cream soda so we always get some of that.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #24
RC Cola was the shiznit when I was a little kid!

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #25
I suck at Soda-Snobbery.  I guess I don't know my shiznit as well as I thought I did.  One thing's for sure, though, it's all bad for you.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #26
Can still get RC here at the 7-11s. One drink that is a little more tricky to find is the Original Moutian dew or Mountian Dew Energy. There was one varient i only tried once and that was Mountian dew Fuel. Its a bit of a pain to get any Dr Pepper in anything larger then a 1L though.

Speakin of great drinks that are gone now... Sprite Ice! Now that stuff kicked ass

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #27
Sprite Ice?  MD Fuel?  You're in the Great White North no doubt.  Another thing,  RC is easily readily available here.

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #28
Yep im in Canada eh?

What happened to Vanilla pen 15e???

Reply #29
I miss the Crystal Pepsi as well.  Full bottles and cans can still be had on ebay but expect to pay at least $20 for them.  Some crazy fans of the product buy the stuff and actually drink it.

Something else kinda wierd, in Ohio, I haven't seen these but only in PA they have 3L bottles of Pepsi products.  In Ohio you can only find generic  in 3L's.