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Topic: need help making a grid on computer (Read 1062 times) previous topic - next topic

need help making a grid on computer

What I am trying to do is to duplicate the same checkered pattern that is on the dash of my 86 Cougar XR7.  All I have on my computer is photoshop and word.  Word will not let me make a grid that small.  Does anyone know of another program that I can use?  I am making a new plate up for the surround by the radio and wanted to try and make a decal for it so it looked original.

86 2.3 Turbo

need help making a grid on computer

Reply #1
Jim, Photoshop would work but if you're taking it somewhere to get made, they will probably need a vector art file. I can throw something together for you in Illustrator if you want. How far apart are the lines, exactly?

need help making a grid on computer

Reply #2
thanks Eric, I really appreciate the offer.  The line are 1/32 apart.  I was debating on printing it on my own first so I will play around with photoshop and see what I can come up with.  If I can't do it I will pm you. 

86 2.3 Turbo


need help making a grid on computer

Reply #3
If it is just grids though, what's wrong with using Excel?  If you have Word, I'd imagine you have that, use the borders and resize the cells until you get there, it will let you.