weight loss
Reply #10 –
*No soda.
*NO fast food.
*No potato chips.
*No TV (gets you out more, and its all anyway!)
*change to skim or at least 1%milk.
*If you want to munch on something I like plain toast.
*WALK! park you car in the farthest corner of the the mall parking lot, its good for you and good for your car.
*If your just grabbing a few things from the store use a basket instead of a cart.
*Just go for a walk, even if you dont feel like it or are tired, if you exercise often you wont be as lazy.
Its hard to get active in the winter months but every bit helps, I lost 100# fall/winter 2003-4 and another 30# or so since then and havnt gained anything back.
I still eat fast food and pen 15e etc. but its all in moderation, I used to live on pen 15e but once you give it up for a while you get used to it.
20 years old, 6'2", 205-210 lbs. Went from a size 42 to a 36 with a belt.
Main thing is too keep yourself occupied, if your bored and sitting around watching tv your more likely to eat . If your outside working on something or even just inside reading a book your better off.
Good Luck!