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Topic: fuel tank replacing? (Read 3819 times) previous topic - next topic

fuel tank replacing?

for people who had it done, how hard is it to change a fuel tank. and if i can't chage it by myself how much does it cost at a repair shop?

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #1
You can change it yourself.  Put simply... you need to unbolt the two nuts that hold the straps up.  Unscrew the bolt through the strap that holds onto the filler neck, get the tank lowered down part of the way, then unplug the sending unit and fuel pump wires as well as feed and return lines.  As you lower it slide it to one side in order to slide the filler tube out of the side of the tank.  I've done this 2x on these cars and it's really not too bad of a job as long as you have the rear of the car up on jackstands pretty high (not as high as they'll go, no higher than your jack can reach the bottom of the tank).

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #2
As for taking it to a mechanic, labor shouldn't be more than 100-150 samolians. but it's really not that hard to do it yourself. Just remember that it doesn't hurt to buy new tank straps, a new fuel filter, and if you got the coin and new fuel pump.
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #3
i found a tank on parts train for 107 bucks what would recommend as a good price to pay for a tank? or should i say what brand? thanx for the assist

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #4
btw, im leary of stands i have ramps would that be high enough

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #5
If you can get that tank for 107 that's prolly a good price. Autozone lists a tank for 5.0 87 (dunno what your is, just used mine) for 208, and it prolly an on order part. As for the wheel ramps, that should be plenty of height for it, just as long as you don't over extend you jack's reach and have enough room to tilt the tank to get the filler neck out. Oh, 'nother thing, it'd prolly be a good idea to undercoat or even paint the tank for rust proofing.
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #6
its a 6cyl 3.8 but im gonna try to get the thing out.  the reason for a new tank is its leaking from the top of the tank and im not sure why. i can't go over half a tank without it leaking.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #7
$107 is a good price.  I had $250 wrapped up in a tank and pump alone when I did the '84.  If it's leaking at or above half then mayabe the seam is rusted and leaking.  Ramps work too but you will need a jack to lower the tank down, unless it's empty or you're really strong.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #8
Here's one thing I recomend though, spray up the bolts that hold the straps to the body really really well.  Is your car real rusty underneath?  My 84 was and when I went to unscrew those bolts I ripped the sheet metal out.  I had to to make new mounts for the gas tank straps.  I have taken the tank out of my 84 probably 4 times after that, I got it down to 20 minutes to take it out and put it back in.  Where are you located?  I got a used tank in cleveland, OH for $40 that looked almost brand new.  Oh and if it is leaking from the top check and see because if it isn't the sending unit that is leaking.

86 2.3 Turbo

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #9
My '84 did the same thing yours did, Jim.  I ended up rigging it up using all-thread rod up through the trunk floor and sheet angle iron to bolt it through.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #10
Quote from: JWolt
Here's one thing I recomend though, spray up the bolts that hold the straps to the body really really well.  Is your car real rusty underneath?  My 84 was and when I went to unscrew those bolts I ripped the sheet metal out.  I had to to make new mounts for the gas tank straps.  I have taken the tank out of my 84 probably 4 times after that, I got it down to 20 minutes to take it out and put it back in.  Where are you located?  I got a used tank in cleveland, OH for $40 that looked almost brand new.  Oh and if it is leaking from the top check and see because if it isn't the sending unit that is leaking.


I was thinking that to about the unit. i may have the guy check it first and if its the unit grab a new one. but i still will replace the tank and rust treat it so i won't have to do it for along time again. thanx for all the help.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #11
The first time I removed mine it was a c because of the rust, etc.

It gets much easier after the first time.  Just make sure it is as close to empty as possible.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #12
When I did it.  The emptier the better, and i did not have a problem muscleing the tank in and out, but I had someone helping me get the straps.  On the top of the tank is just 2 big o-rings that might be what is leaking( where the pump and sensor is hooked.

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #13
I took the gas tank out of may car to clean it, yep, to clean it, and I didn't jack the car up at all.  Just a few bolts holds it in.  I didn't take and photos, but it wasn't hard at all.  No more than an hour's project.

I have the 87 3.8 Bird.

"I put my foot in my tank and I began to roll." Chuck Berry

Re: fuel tank replacing?

Reply #14
ok got a new problem. the bolt that u screw into the strap thats held to the frame broke the bolt is fine but the part u screw it into broke. so how do i get it of now and for that matter how u take the strap off in the back?