Serious Thoughts....
I was thinking in my old posts. Every week i was posting about how to fix my car for this, for that, what is this, etc etc. Some of us may be thinking "his car is a completely , every week he has a different problem" . And since my cougar is broken, i didnt do anything to it. The only thing that i did the day after that incident was remove my old audio system and put all at the F-150. I´ll left that in this truck, since my father was very good with me, avoiding me from big fines and giving me good advices. Well, i only work now with the explorer and the F-150, but hey, there is not much to do with those trucks, all are Ok, are well maintained and no modifications cant be done "by hand", like my old cougar. There was some issues with both trucks, but i solved nearly all of them (only left the sunroof problem at the X, still dont open completely, requires some time...) but is not the same thing.
Well, im here thinking in some questions. Can i spend money again in a 20 years old car ? Its worth to get again to the road a beater ? my car is a beater ! the windows can be open by hand, no A/C, minimal factory equipment, rust ath both fenders, some at the bottom of the doors, some at the rear fender.....rust rust. Maybe at the image the cougar looks great and shiny, but is only for me, for others is a 20 years old car, but i appreciate the super good-looking besides any car....
Should my Cougar Be saved ? im not sure....