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Topic: just an idea. (off the wall idea) (Read 6946 times) previous topic - next topic

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #15
ok make sure your negative and positives are connected correctly to the amp,  if they got reversed they will give problems.  Also another thing to try, seperate both speakers, as speakers get old the VC get weak, if 1 is getting weak the other will over power it and essentially cancel it.  always best to seperate subs or at least place them in seperate chambers.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #16
You can get polyfill from wall-mart its also known ass the fiber pillow stuffing.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #17
ok so if i put a wall between the two subs that should help get the punch i need? or help prevent the subs from cancleing them selfs out? 

cool im gonna go check that suff out. where is it usually in walmart. by the pillows? lol

ok thanks again
trick flow street heat intake , 24lbs injetors, ported GT-40's (Chip) long tube headers. and a Performance Automatic C4, with a hurst shifter!

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #18
The dreaded craft section. It is usualy sold in big bags. It looks like the stuff in stuffed animals.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #19
A few more question. What stereo are you using? Do you know what voltage the pre amps are putting out?

These are soming you need to look at. My pioneer are putting out about 2.2volts. Now I have an amp I can adjust the for the incoming voltage. This will make a big difference.

Your radio can run any where from 1 to 5 volts. And believe me there is a huge difference between 1 and 5.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #20
so your saying i can adjust the pre out volts .  no way thats sick. how do i do it. im using the 6700 pioneer modle. it's about 2years old now so
trick flow street heat intake , 24lbs injetors, ported GT-40's (Chip) long tube headers. and a Performance Automatic C4, with a hurst shifter!

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #21
Quote from: slamedcat
A few more question. What stereo are you using? Do you know what voltage the pre amps are putting out?

These are soming you need to look at. My pioneer are putting out about 2.2volts. Now I have an amp I can adjust the for the incoming voltage. This will make a big difference.

Your radio can run any where from 1 to 5 volts. And believe me there is a huge difference between 1 and 5.

He is right there is an amazing difference.  6700 is a 2.2V pre out which is about a standard. Another question though, How many subs are you running and i needs 4 ohm load specs on your amp or at least a modem number and i can pull it up.  also a model number on the subs as well.  I'm not positive but im pretty sure if you throwing 1000W at pioneers you going to cook them.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #22
My guess is this is the amp you are running, correct?

If so, it looks like this amp is rated at 1000 watts peak power, meaning i'm sure it only puts out about 500 watts RMS, probably even less if it is overrated.  So when this amp is bridged, I'm sure it would put out less than 250 x 2 at 4 ohms.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #23
2 10" Polk MM10's in a nice sealed box with pleny of poewr. They are small enclosure subs, so it should be able to tuck right up to the back seat and leave the whole rest of the trunk open. I had 1 in my Turbo Grand Prix and it was LOUD!!

I had 3 JL 12w3's in the trunk of my SHO and it didn't hit much harder.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #24
If the amp shown is in fact what you have i would wire it up in a 4 ohm mono load, Basically wire the voice coils on each speaker in series, + to -  the take the + off both speakes wire the together ans the to bridge mono + on the amp. do the same for the -.  with the two four ohm VC in series changes that into essentially an 8 ohm speaker, then by parrelling(SP) them you take it back down to a 4 ohm.  If you need further help with wiring it for bridge mono send me an email at  This is also dependent on what speakers exactly you are using and their RMS value,  I'm not sure how pioneer rates thier subs in a max or RMS if they give you max power multiply it by .707 that will give you your RMS.  RMS is what the speaker is capable of handleing all day with no problems, Peak is the threshold for the speaker most if they ever touch peak will only do it once.  Always base you power on RMS, same goes for an amp  1000W peak is not the same as 1000w RMS.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #25
Quote from: CougarCoupe88
so your saying i can adjust the pre out volts .

No, what I was saying is with most over the counter mega mart store amps there is no adjustment. The Sound stream 502 rubicon I have for my memphis 12's has the adjustment on the amp. It will work just a little harder for you if you are running say 2.2v where as the car I took it out of was runnig 4.0v. The adjustment compensates for the voltage difference.

If you are looking at getting a good amp, as in adjustability, look at the rubicon and human raign series from sound stream, amd the early modle punch amps from rockford fosgate.

The first pic is the human raign
The second is the punch
The thrid is the rubicon

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #26
Can you even bridge a 4 channel amp to 1 channel?  I thought you could only bridge it to 2 channels?  In that case, he would have to wire each speaker in series for an 8 ohm load on each speaker.  Then, each speaker would be wired to a separate channel.  That would mean he would be putting about 125 watts RMS to each pioneer.

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #27
Quote from: BIGmeat15071
Can you even bridge a 4 channel amp to 1 channel?  I thought you could only bridge it to 2 channels?  In that case, he would have to wire each speaker in series for an 8 ohm load on each speaker.  Then, each speaker would be wired to a separate channel.  That would mean he would be putting about 125 watts RMS to each pioneer.

your right i did mis read it is a4 chan,  but he can wire each voice coil per speaker in parallel to get a 2 ohm load then he would meet the requirements of the 2 ohm stereo load the amp says it can handle.  assuming he has 4 ohm DVC

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #28
my amp is the LA690 1000w max power and my subs are
ts-w105dvc. im not sure what ohms they are.or what ohms they can run on.

Erik. thanks for all this info guys
trick flow street heat intake , 24lbs injetors, ported GT-40's (Chip) long tube headers. and a Performance Automatic C4, with a hurst shifter!

just an idea. (off the wall idea)

Reply #29
Looks like it's this:
and this:,,2076_4061_35351,00.html

From the looks of it, no matter how you wire it you're going to be underpowering those speakers.  If you bridge the amp to 2 channels and wire each sub in series, you will have an 8 ohm impedance.  That will be putting about 125 watts RMS to each sub, when they can handle 350 watts RMS.  Thats about 1/3 of the power you could be pushing to them.

If those were my subs, I would buy a new mono amp that would provide the subs with adequate power, and save the 4 channel amp for something else.  But that is just my opinion.