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Topic: Cat Jam Video (Read 3528 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Cat Jam Video

Reply #15
will see if i get yelled at for watching this at work..
phone rings..
Me: "IT this is Jeff"
User: "I can't go anywhere on the internet and my mail is really slow"
Me: "umm.. wiat 3 minutes, it will be better then"

Re: Cat Jam Video

Reply #16
Quote from: cougarcragar
It would appear to be RT 5.1.
Do you want me to grab all of those files and send a CD? I'd be able to get it in the mail by mid-next week.

Let me try a few things first and get back to you by Monday.

Re: Cat Jam Video

Reply #17
cool video, sorry I am cat/bird-less and was unable to attend. I might just visit next  year even if i still am car-less (who counts a cobalt as a car anyway?) looked like a good time.

Cat Jam Video

Reply #18
Anyone still have this video online? My harddrive crashed on me and I lost my videos.


Cat Jam Video

Reply #19
Did you get Cat Jam CDs?
If so, it should be on one of the discs.

If we can find somebody to host the video again, I can FTP it to them.

Cat Jam Video

Reply #20
You can FTP it to mine again if you want.  I just deleted it not too long ago.  Do you still have the login information?
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Cat Jam Video

Reply #21
I don't think so.

Much appreciated, Jim. ;)

Cat Jam Video

Reply #22
You have a PM.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Cat Jam Video

Reply #23
The video can be obtained here.

Thanks to Jim for hosting the file.

Cat Jam Video

Reply #25
Jim your server upload is kinda slow, I can only pull about 10kbs off of you
One 88

Cat Jam Video

Reply #26
Not sure why.  It's usually pretty quick.  They may be doing some maintenance on the web server right now.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0