Hit a guard rail today. February 06, 2019, 06:12:40 PM Just want to remind everyone to slow down a bit. I was driving my 86 bird on the freeway today. Hit a patch of snow doing about 55mph and the car got sideways. I had decent tires, there were cars in front of me driving faster, but luckily no one next to me. The car went left almost completely sideways. I held it sideways for a while, but I was getting closer and closer to the center cement barrier. I decided that I would be better to go to the empty right lane then hit the cement and overcorrected a bit. I got the car straightened out on the shoulder, but the momentum kept me moving to the gaurd rail. I barely contacted it doing about 20mph. There are a few scratches mainly on the fender trim. There was some rubbing on the outside of both tires, but doesn't look like more then a scratch on any body metal. I really think if I would have had either snow tires or slowed down another 5-10mph I wouldn't have hit anything. It seems like I might have bent the tie rod on the driver's side. Steering wheel is a bit crooked. Looks like I only need a new tire on the rear, it looks like it got cut up a bit on the outside of the guard rail and a bit on the sidewall. Made it home no problem, and no one got hurt.Just a reminder to slow it down a bit. This is the first time in 15 years over actually hit something in my car, and I am really bothered by it. To be honest, I was really glad I was in a car I was so familiar with. I was probably sideways for 500 feet. I didn't panic or slam on the brakes. The Ballance of the car was really neutral overall, and I am honestly surprised I was able to keep it from flipping around.Be safe out there Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #1 – February 06, 2019, 06:44:23 PM Sounds like quite the ride. No other cars involved and you are alright is about as good as it gets as far as accidents go. We are getting freezing rain as I type this, luckily I only have a three block commute. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #2 – February 06, 2019, 07:32:15 PM Yeah, we had freezing rain/mist yesterday, and now it's doing it again tonight. I was taking the youngest kids to the sitter yesterday before work, turned off of a 2 lane blacktop road onto another 2 lane state highway, and slide right across the state road onto what can best be described as an aborted fetus of a shoulder. It was soft and rutted, I ended up nearly flipping over onto my driver's side in the Explorer. I got calmed down, called work, told 'em I was staying home.Used to be I didn't give two shiznits about bad weather, I'd get out in it and not worry. Now, I hate the shiznit. A few weeks ago when we had the deep snow, I got stuck in my driveway. Did I mention I hate this shiznit?Snow is one thing, ice is dangerous. I'm over it. Be safe, y'all. Stacks is accurate, slow down, allow yourself extra room/time for braking and turning. I didn't realize it was as slick as that yesterday when I made my turnoff, and came too close to paying a high price. I had my 4 year old and the 3 month old with me. Scary shiznit, man.I got out to do a walk around, make sure my tires were still up. Stepped on the side of the road....about fell down, it was already that slick. WHen I left the house 30 minutes earlier, the roads were wet but not slick. I hate this shiznit. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #3 – February 08, 2019, 05:01:21 AM Pretty fortunate you didn't do a whole lot of damage, or didn't hurt yourself.I don't have any issues driving in inclement weather, until I'm on summer tires. It's amazing the difference tires make. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #4 – February 08, 2019, 07:51:59 AM Glad to hear you are ok. I rubbed a new wheel on the curb yesterday, still bothering me. Gotta order a new wheel this weekend. Little things like that bug me til it's fixed. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #5 – February 08, 2019, 08:29:49 AM Good job saving it.Hindsight is always 20/20. There's been a lot of black ice here too. Then all the salt and sand is like driving on marbles here. Glad everyone is okay. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #6 – February 08, 2019, 02:32:34 PM ^ yeah,, what he said.glad things did not go more sideways on you than what they did. Quote Selected
Hit a guard rail today. Reply #7 – February 08, 2019, 02:52:53 PM Glad you're alright man. Just goes to show, Mother Nature will fool with you whenever she pleases!Back in the day, I had a LeBra for the front end of my first '84. It was winter and I was taking an onramp to the freeway, cloverleaf-type. As soon as the road straightened out was a bridge...BRIDGE FREEZES BEFORE ROAD SURFACE. I wasn't going fast but the car was at about a 45-degree angle as I watched the guardrail come closer to the front end. The car didn't really skid so much as glide sideways. No traffic around, thankfully...I was able to pull to the side of the road and check the front end. Every so slightly, the LeBra had a small tear in the right front corner, that was the only damage. I about fudged myself though. Ever since, I don't give the throttle as much gas nearing a bridge LOL. Quote Selected