parking lot drama LOL
Reply #17 –
Beau, when I first read your post, and then Lou's, I was shaking my head.
I would wag my finger at you and the wifey for yelling at the caveman in the Dodge...but at the same time, we've all been there. You're definitely dealing with the dregs of society going to Walmart at any time during daylight hours LOL. That's one place I do not mind trekking far across the lot back to my car. Highly recommend going during the week at like 8 PM. Should see an improvement in the results :D
Who knows exactly what happened, whether or not the guy looked behind him, but he definitely shouldn't have gotten out of his car. You screw up, just get out of the way and leave, sit in your wrongness and be wrong. Stupid people don't know how stupid they they are incapable of doing so.
It's good that you came on here and vented, much more healthy than taking some drastic action, so kudos there. But you have no power. You can't teach them. So let 'em be, or ideally stay away. Don't hurt the Mounty, people will be hounding you for the heads off the engine!!!
And I also LOL'd hard at Pauly's pics....