Peaceful protest thread
Reply #133 –
This is a meaningful statement within the scope of this forum...FAMILY rather!!!....but the sad truth is that this is a microcosm for a much bigger population. And it's the difference between real enthusiasts and those are are just trying to make a profit but "like" cars. And that right there is a black-white dichotomy, we all know there are shades of grey in between (no I'm not making the reference you think I am shadaap!!! :D )
But we've ALL experienced "ridicule" or questioning of our vehicle choice, regardless of our available resources. ESPECIALLY for those here that have plenty of money to throw around on toys. "Whydja buy...that?" We have to justify our enthusiasm at least some of the time, and it's not always easy. I can't count how many people are impressed with the creature comfort of my cougar and with the overall package. But that rear window remains polarizing and will surely always be. The TBirds solve that problem but so many people will ask "Well why not a Mustang? Lose that dead weight!" And still others just "don't get it". They never knew the car existed and can't imagine why one would go out of one's way to find it.
So no, do we care what this guy thinks? No. But do we care what the general public thinks? Yes, maybe secretly, but you do. Don't deny it
We're all a bit "strange" in the eyes of many. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with marching to the beat of a different drum. This is as old a discussion as life itself. But the struggle continues on as societies effect a general convergence and conformity to some set of common ideas and values. If you don't ever for even a moment wonder if you "belong", great! You're strong-willed. I admit that I can't always do that, and sometimes wonder if I should just be doing what the "in-crowd" does because they seem so full of themselves and having such a good time slapping each others' backs.
But then I remember how much I enjoy being me. I can't be anything else and I don't want to be. And it's a good thing this place exists so other people can help me be ME and encourage my bizzare behavior. So far, it's done just that, time and again!!! And I hope I do a good job of likewise returning the favor.