Peaceful protest thread
Reply #61 –
I can't really add to the great things everyone's already said about this forum and the people in it - it's all true. I was mainly on motorcycle forums before I bought my fox bird and really didn't know squat about them besides digging the look. I'm sure it must get tiresome answering the same questions over and over again as you guide newbies through all the issues and upgrades. My fox is freaking bad*** now and it's mainly due to your patience and willingness to help. I feel bad about Tom as some of my threads might have helped precipitate the arguments. Like jcassity, I didn't have an issue with his attitude. Yeah, he poked fun at me but I did a lot of dumb things (like trying to measure vacuum at the hose that goes to my EGR plate).
Anyway thank you all for being here and sticking with it. It's too bad you all live so far way. Let me know if you ever come out to northern CA.