An ode to ten years and 4 cars.
I found this place ten years, and two months ago. I made some friends here, and had a whole bunch of laughs. Learned a lot about cars, especially Fox cars, and met a few really cool people.
I went through a divorce, addiction, loss of a stepbrother in 2005, lost my grandfather in 2007. I had 2 years of solitude and finding out that someone who I thought was a lifelong companion was actually a fraud and an impersonator.
Then everything turned around. I met Nicole, we had a son. Then a daughter. We were married. Had good times, and a few bad, and we each lost our last grandparent. We're not perfect, but we're whole, healthy.
We had our second son and third overall child on the anniversary of my join date. Oct 21.
Cars will come and go, as do the snows, the rains, and the seasons, and ultimately, life itself. But seeing the kids faces every morning, ready to go to school...I realize that all the shiznit that was's all for nothing.
There's three things I hold onto now, family, peace, and trying to find my way through this ever changing world.
The cars will be missed, the ones to come will be treasured all the more because of them, and the mistakes I made and learned from.
My daughter will be a gear head...she already thinks the Mustang will be hers someday. Guess i need to find one that she and I can work on together in a few more years.
Cole wants a truck..he's 6 now, it's all about the big loud trucks that pull trailers, for him.
Anyway, 10 goes by so ed quick. If you don't stop once in awhile to smell some burnt rubber, you may miss it. Or something like that. Peace.