Oil Burner GUY
Reply #9 –
Hard to beat wood heat...if you have the means to acquire the fuel. Lucky for me...200 acres, over a third of it timber. Springs storms=next winter's heat supply. Throw in 50-75 gallon of diesel fuel for my stove, done deal.
And Tom, my dual fuel stove made a boom last winter. The ignition went out on my stove, so while the pump was running, it wasn't lighting off the atomized fuel spray, and eventually enough built up that when a glowing ember must have finally contacted it, it actually made a loud enough bang that I though someone shot a gun right outside. Went downstairs and sure as hell, both of the doors were blown open on the stove, ash everywhere, and already filling the basp00get with smoke and diesel fuel smell.
All over a 35 dollar part.
Kinda like keeping an '80's car on the road though...after 34 years, you've got to replace a lot of parts. Thankfully, I was awake when it happened...none of the smoke alarms went off, and the way I sleep, I probably wouldn't have heard them if they did.