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revenge the classic fords?

Total Members Voted: 15

Topic: ermenuma (Read 2872 times) previous topic - next topic


WOW! I was just looking around and realized I am the ONLY person on the board right now! yeah I couldnt believe it myself but its true.

I would like to take this time to welcome our newest member fordguy  :hick: howdy!

And I would also like to wish jimfulco a happy birthday!  :banana:  I would also wish you some  :ies: but at your age I wouldnt want you to hurt yourself!  :giggle:  sorry, but  :eek: (wheres the old man smiley?)

I was wondering what you guys would think about taking a 2nd generation camaro and dropping in say, I dunno, a 351W? I was checking out a sweet t-bucket this fall at the esso and the guy had a 350 in it and I started thinking about all the classic model A's T's and others which have been 'vandalized' in this same way, and ecided to take my revenge by dropping a 351W into a camaro! I have mentioned this idea to a few chevy guys and have had my life threatened three times and my families lives once, so I think it would be a hit :D how hard would it be to make it fit? would it be possible without replacing or heavily modifying the k-member?

I know it would be better in a first gen camaro but they are expensive and second gen's can be had for little to free! so I just need to know if I am crazy or not, would anyone else like to see something like this happen?
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: ermenuma

Reply #1
Second gen's are the ones that run up to '80 or around there?  The first era of the big rubber nose, right?

Re: ermenuma

Reply #2

Re: ermenuma

Reply #3
Thanks.  I think. :D

Re: ermenuma

Reply #4
Yes i would like to see this happen it is due revenge for all the old led sled fords that have been raped by having a 350 put in em. Go for it

Re: ermenuma

Reply #5
I could see putting a Ford lump in a pre 50's Chevy coupe or something, but never in a Camaro. That's like putting a 350 in a Mustang. So incredibly wrong. Not even close to a '32 Ford with a 350. Put a Ford in a Chevy hot rod, not in a muscle car.

Re: ermenuma

Reply #6
I just bet there's mustangs out there that house Chebby engines.

Re: ermenuma

Reply #7
I got my first speed density HO computer from an '87 Mustang GT that had a Chevy 400 stuffed in. Not a professional job...but funny.

Re: ermenuma

Reply #8
And in both of those cases, it was absolutely the WRONG thing to do. :P

Re: ermenuma

Reply #9
Quote from: oldraven
I could see putting a Ford lump in a pre 50's Chevy coupe or something, but never in a Camaro. That's like putting a 350 in a Mustang. So incredibly wrong. Not even close to a '32 Ford with a 350. Put a Ford in a Chevy hot rod, not in a muscle car.

This is the reason why I would love to do this! its so wrong its almost right! Every guy I ask why they put a chevy engine in a ford says "I'm a chevy guy" and thats it. It would be awesome to sit by the car at a car show and watch peoples reactions  :rollin: put a suggestion box on the window, then I could count the death threats later. Theres a guy I work with who tells me that he will "kill me if I do it" but he drives a stock 96 camaro so..... :rolleyes: yeah, but even he agrees that it would be funny (buy he'd still kill me) if It was done.

I could pick up an early 70's camaro without engine/trans for about $400 and I already have a 351W and c6 (which might go into the tbird, a 65 merc p/u, a 65 ford p/u, another econoline, or a camaro) sitting around. Just wondering if it would be possible to do it. An oil pan would probabally need to be fabbed aswell as the tranny linkage, but it couldnt be that hard.. right?
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: ermenuma

Reply #10
Oh, I think this is entirely IMPOSIBLE. :D With most things like this, as long as you've got the money, it can be done. But not this, man. It just can't be done. The laws of physics deny you.

And it bothers me to see a Chevy motor in an old Ford too. I don't like cross brand swapping, under any cirspoogestances. Just my way.

And this idea has gone far beyond revenge into psychopathic territory. :giggle:

Come on man, you know you don't want to drive a Camaro any more than I do a Munchtang. Ford lump or not.

Re: ermenuma

Reply #11
Quote from: oldraven
Come on man, you know you don't want to drive a Camaro any more than I do a Munchtang. Ford lump or not.

Actually I (god help me) dont mind those camaros, theres just something about that body style especially with a t-roof that gets me :dunno:  I'm guessing your the one who voted #2?  :nono:

1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC