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Topic: 83 tb 5.0 electrical questions (Read 1513 times) previous topic - next topic

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

ignition wire on starter solenoid not getting 12v, I have it at the column (hot when in crank mode with key).  I think there is a plug in between somewhere?

dash lights, clock light, ash tray light, and a/c control not getting 12v at the bulb plug

Blinkers not coming on when turned on

Acc 12v where radio goes does not have 12v

I check power spots in the fuse holder, look good on both sides of fues

I have power for low beam and high beam, tail lights, brake lights, hazards, cigarette lighter plug, and clock works.

Just curious if I missing a main plug or ground somewhere?

I did take out the column from the 84tb v6 car and put in for the tilt steering, plugs plugged right in.

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #1
Sounds like stuff isn't connected at the fender solenoid/junction.  When converting to a PMGR starter, you still need to keep it.  I wont bore you with the details of the procedure, as I'm sure you did your research.

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #2
Yea i got a diagram for that starter.

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #3



I think I see what fender plug your talking about (3rd pic), but I have a set of other plugs on the driver side that are not plugged to anything. (2nd pic)
and (blue wire going for horn?)

I have a slim rectangle plug over by the passenger slide that I thought went to the voltage regulator. (1st pic)

Please keep in mind on the pictures, that the wire are tuck in side finders.

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #4
And I took out shifter column, not sure if there is a safety switch somewhere?

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #5
NSS Not cut threw!!!
I spend money I don't have, To build  cars I don't need, To impress people I don't know


83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #6
I will try it tomorrow, thanks

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #7
update, that worked tom, thanks

I took out the light switch, it was all corroded up, so I cleaned the one I had from parts car and made sure to use contact cleaner and made the spring and contacts clean.  Now I have 12v from the light switch and it dims my test light.  but I don't have power at the bulbs, so I jump a wire from the cigarette light constant 12v and the light works, not sure where from there.

Blinkers are now working

No 12v acc at radio

83 tb 5.0 electrical questions

Reply #8
Ok got the bulbs working, and got the blower working, I am finding that the dirt dobber have caused some connection issues.