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Topic: The BlackBird has a new stable companiion (Read 5439 times) previous topic - next topic

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #15
the dreaded door lol

mine is a pita to

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #16
Just had to do this to my 67 Mustang. There should be a spring loaded mechanism inside the door attatched to the lock itself that yo need to push and the door should unlock.

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #17
OK guys thanks a bunch for the info. At least now, I know that I am not the only one who has faced this problem. LOL

I plan to tackle it this afternoon. I am thinking that removing the seat may be the best deal if I have to take the door panel off.
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #18
I figured out the starting problem on my new Tbird today. I replaced the ignition module in the steering column and now the car starts immediately and idles fairly smoothly.
I still have to do a tuneup, set the timing and check that IAC (if it still doesn't idle & run right).

What do most of you guys normally set your timing at for street use? Are these Turbo Coupes supposed to be set at 10º BTDC with the spout disconnected like my SVO?
What is considered to be the optimum total advance when the spout is connected?
Thanks for any help that any of you can offer on these questions.

Once that is taken care of then I can see what needs to be done to get the passenger door opened again.
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #19
stock is 10

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #20
Quote from: STANG8U;417294
stock is 10

Thanks for your answer.
So is 45º to 50º total what is recommended for TCs like it is for SVOs?
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #21
if that's what svo's run I would say so ................same motor

but im a sbf guy still kinda new to 2.3's lol

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #22
Thanks STANG8U,
Maybe some of the other TC owners/mechanics on here will chime in with a definite answer in the morning.
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #23
Well, none of you were kidding about the dreaded jammed door being a pain to get open again.
I got the inner panel removed after breaking nearly all of the age brittled little plastic clips. I sprayed WD40 all over the area and began to pry and giggle handles.
At one point it seemed to come a little bit looser so I pulled out on the inner handle while I gave it a kick, and it popped open.
The lock mechanism still wasn't working so I spent another two hours playing with it. I was able to get the rod to the outer handle straightened a little bit & it felt a lot better.
Evidently the upper hook on the door latch was jammed & refused to come down, which didn't allow the lower latch to drop all the way down. I loosened the three latch screws on the door skin, but that didn't help a thing. Finally I put a screw driver behind a little half moon indention in the upper latch and pulled forward......Walla it clicked down.
I cleaned all of the parts real good before trying to shut the door and it now works like a champ and the outer handle now opens the door as it is supposed to...........Ask me if I am a happy camper!

A big thanks to all of you who offered ideas to get this thing back in working order.
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #24
good deal

the door thing sucks

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #25
I haven't had a chance to do a tuneup yet, but I did check the timing which is at 10ºBTDC with spout unplugged. When the spout is connected it idles at 30º and does about 50º maximum at around 2000RPM.

I vacuumed the carpets and did some spot cleaning on them and some general cleanup on the interior. I also hung the passenger door arm rest that I found in the trunk.
Later I took Sue & our granddaughter for their first drive in it.

It seems to run fine on the highway.
Sometimes, in town, the RPMs don't want to drop right back down after a shift, and at times it wants to idle way high at 1600 RPM. The next time I start it, the idle might be back down at about 1000. It keeps going back & forth like that.

Anyone have an idea what causes that to occur?
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #26
The plastic door panel push clips can be found at some hardware stores really cheap. Every time I go, I usually get a dozen or so...costs about 2 bucks. They've came in handy...every vehicle I've got here has had the panels off at least twice per door, per car. Ugh.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #27
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;417445
The plastic door panel push clips can be found at some hardware stores really cheap. Every time I go, I usually get a dozen or so...costs about 2 bucks. They've came in handy...every vehicle I've got here has had the panels off at least twice per door, per car. Ugh.

I have a large ziplock bag full of them, usually for whenever I have to fix a window motor on one of my foxbodies.
I was amazed that the arm rest on the door mounted with the same kind of clip!
Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #28
I thought I would post update pics of the progress of the exterior restoration so far.
The Snowflakes cleaned up pretty good & they now have a set of decent Michelins mounted on them. I have the interior cleaned up, not perfect, but it will do for right now.
I was looking for a rear package shelf cover, & sun-visors to replace the torn up ones in the car, but the upholsterer who did the seats in my SVO said that he would install a new headliner, moonroof cover, sun-visors, & the rear shelf for $170.
I have an appointment to leave it with him next Monday. Other than sun faded seats, the interior should look pretty good when he is done.

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Speed is just a question of MONEY How fast can you go?    (M. M.)

The BlackBird has a new stable companiion

Reply #29
Quote from: thunderjet302;416882
It's a very late build car, June of 88. Nice score.
Very close to mine, but I still have the latest 88 Thunderbird. 6/88, with a sequence number of 239907.  Until somebody posts a 6/88 car with a higher sequence number, I'm going to go on believing that I have the last 88 car.