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Topic: just a little ole random thought for a few of you. (Read 2802 times) previous topic - next topic

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #15
I'm 29 now and still not feeling this getting old thing yet myself, still pretty much a ball of energy like I have been since birth. No aches or pains yet for me, and I'm in excellent health, thank god. I've had an easy life, and taken care of myself though, which is why. I was more interested in the long-run, instead of the mid-20's peak then decline, like most people.

I know people here that are in their mid 40's who still have more get up and go, than some people that I know who are in their early 20's. Some are down right gung-ho in comparison. Those people give me hope for getting old.

Like a wise man once said...Your only as old as you feel. :)

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #16
Some of you 30's guys , need to get on over your little aches!!! Your "cu NEXT TUESDAYs"
Old Grey Cat to this.88 Cat, 5.0 HO, CW mounts, mass air, CI custom cam, afr165's, Tmoss worked cobra intake, BBK shorty's,off road h pipe, magnaflow ex. T-5,spec stage 2 clutch, 8.8 373 TC trac loc, che ajustables with bullits on the rear. 11" brakes up front. +

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #17
I hate to say it, but Kitz has a point.....I'm going to be 47 this June, no aches or pains, still do anything I want, I can work circles around those half my age, and, I never cry or whine about it. I guess I was brought up a little less weak than the young guys these days. Heck, we've had 4 "hurt back" workman's comp cases in the last month at work. Every one of them were under 25. Holy  !!! The wusses these days are friggin' crazy. Not that I'm saying anybody here is a wuss and weak and a whiner. I would never do that. LOL. Sometimes you just have to man up and get over it. Some guys have their "time of the month" about every 3 or 4 months and I just want to grab them, put a dress and lipstick on them and call it a day.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #18
Quote from: vinnietbird;415466
I hate to say it, but Kitz has a point.....I'm going to be 47 this June, no aches or pains, still do anything I want, I can work circles around those half my age, and, I never cry or whine about it. I guess I was brought up a little less weak than the young guys these days. Heck, we've had 4 "hurt back" workman's comp cases in the last month at work. Every one of them were under 25. Holy  !!! The wusses these days are friggin' crazy. Not that I'm saying anybody here is a wuss and weak and a whiner. I would never do that. LOL. Sometimes you just have to man up and get over it. Some guys have their "time of the month" about every 3 or 4 months and I just want to grab them, put a dress and lipstick on them and call it a day.

The back issues could just be sspooge trying to cheat the system, but it is also simple to lift and twist something heavy without realizing it quickly enough, and doing something weird to your back. If you think ahead and take care of your body (not even exercise - just don't beat on it or lift things wrong), it'll take care of you. It is downhill past 20-25 though, and I'm sticking with that theory. I think in general, problems that have been hiding generally start to show up in the 40's, and only due to lack of aerobic exercise, which helps prevent most issues that can come up in your body during life. I guess stretching helps too - keep you limber!
1988 Thunderbird Sport

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #19
I do have a neck/upper back issue, about once or so a year it flares up and hurts like a bitch. I just went through it last week. Still can't turn my head all the way to the right yet, though.

Here's a new development: I've nearly quit drinking soda. I already feel a metric shiznit ton better. Sleep better, working better, etc.

I don't smoke, don't do drugs, and try to sleep at least 7 hours per night. Going to take up jogging soon

Yeah, I have pain in my ankles, shoulder, and back.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #20
Well I turned 40 in December and married to a 33 year wife and have 3 kids.  I tell you I was not wanting to turn 40, but I like it now, you get better respect from folks IMO.  I have a son that rides atvs and dirt bikes and i still ride a Raptor 660, love riding me some wheelies and can go all day long.  I agree with those saying to stay activitive, I might not eat right and have a few too many beer here and there, but staying outside working on cars or atvs, and yard work, will keep you going and streatch out.  I think people should embrace getting old and use it to there advantage.  So get up every morning thankful that you can and enjoy the day, stop worrying with little aches and pains, look around you, it could be worse.

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #21
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;415485
I don't smoke, don't do drugs, and try to sleep at least 7 hours per night. Going to take up jogging soon

Yeah, I have pain in my ankles, shoulder, and back.

I keep telling myself that everything would be better if I woke up earlier and exercised in the morning, but every morning I'm half zombie. For now, I do everything I shouldn't do before bed instead, and likely sleep worse because of it.

I think you'll be fine jogging if done correctly, but if your ankles start to bother you, bicycling with a sustained cadence (slow, heavy pushes can cause knee injury, such as how we rode as kids) will give you a great cardio workout also. For exercise you don't need anything fancy and a cheap used steel hard tail bike is excellent - just know that while trail tires will give you more of a workout than road tires, they wear quickly on pavement.
1988 Thunderbird Sport

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #22
I've actually got an older wal mart mountain bike out in the shop. Thinking about starting off slow on it and going from there. Up till I was 16, I rode a bike a lot. Probably 5 miles a day.

It's going to be difficult, as I have energy to spare, but not so much stamina. I can run about 30 yards or so, and I'm winded. My cardio is my weak point, that's going to be my main focus. Once I get that under control, I'm going to start lifting.

I'll keep things updated. :)
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

My thoughts on the subject....

Reply #23
As I read through some of these threads I have to wonder what some  people would do if they had even one truly severe injury with lasting  effects of any kind.

I'm 55. Here's the relative part of my life's story:

When  I was eight I was in a car wreck that broke my left femur just above  the knee right in the growth plate. It was simply casted and I wore a  "body cast" from my toes to my chest for 8 weeks. It didn't heal  correctly but I can walk and "run" on it. But I had to learn how to walk  and run all over again. Because it didn't heal quite right the knee is a  bit malformed. I went around with a contracture in the knee joint until  I was about 19 when I could finally straighten out my leg all the way  and bend it more but not all the way to my rear end. Because my body  grew from an 8 year old with that contracture, my L5 vertebra is longer  on the left side which creates a bit of Spondylolisthesis there. I also  have degenerative arthritis in my knee and hip thanks to that injury. My  left knee always tells me when it's going to snow long before the  weatherman does.

When I was 28 the horse that I owned at that  time fell on me breaking my right femur in exactly the same place as the  left one had broken back when I was eight. The doctors told me that I had a 75% chance that they would have to take the leg off and that if I could keep it I  only had a 25% chance of ever walking again and that I would definitely  never, ever ride again. I told them to just fix the thing and to "watch  my smoke!" I hung in traction for 3 solid months, flat on my back until callous formed. Then  the leg was then casted. I was told it would take me 6 weeks to be able  to leave the hospital because I had been on my back for so long. I left  in FIVE DAYS. I wore the cast for another 4 weeks after I left the  hospital and then I wore one of those foam and velcro braces for another  8 months. I went through extensive therapy from the time the cast was  put on just before I left the hospital ..starting with getting my body  used to being upright again and gradually learning to walk, yet again... until I  could lead a normal life again. It took me a whole year from the time of  the accident to get my complete life back. BUT, the day I got the cast  off and the brace on I had a friend of mine saddle my horse with my  English tack (he went English and Western, both) and we went riding!!!  That was in 1986. In 1989 I learned how do drive a semi truck and went  on the road driving piggybacks.  But, I can not bend that knee all the way to my back side and it always  tells me when we're going to have rain/tornado-spuppiesing-type storms  before the weatherman can give the details of such storms.

In  1997 I took a nasty fall outside of my apartment and blew my right elbow  completely apart. Again a break in the growth plate of a bone occurred.  This time it was the radius  that was broken at the end where it tucks into the elbow joint. Only  this time there was no way to fix it other than removing the broken off  end and sawing the stump of the bone off even so that it could heal  somewhat rounded. This procedure is called a Radial Head Resection. I  now have a slight contracture of my elbow joint which prevents me from  straightening my arm out all the way. I will live the rest of my life  like this unless I break the ulna  in a way that it can not be repaired in any way, in which case I will  lose my arm at the elbow. Any kind of extreme weather will give it an  excuse to remind me of what I did to it.

Now, the reason I've  gone into such detail here is to illustrate some truly serious, but not  devastating, injuries with permanent negative effects. But I do NOT let  these effects stop me from doing very much at all. I may grumble under  my breath at times when they suddenly grab me when I move the wrong way or over do it, but that is more of a way  to direct my mind towards fixating on something else other than the pain  than actually complaining. As I get older the affects that I suffer  from these injuries get gradually worse. Some day I will need new knees  and hips. But, until I just can't walk any more I'm putting that off so  that technology will get as good as possible by that time. In the mean  time, I just cowboy up and do everything that I am physically capable of  doing and sometimes even pushing the envelope a little harder than I really  should, I guess. But, I know from experience that when you don't do  something for very long, the harder it is to get back to the point where  you can do it again and that if you don't do it for long enough it's highly likely that you  will never be able to get it back.

The moral of this story is  that it really doesn't matter what aches and pains you have or what injuries you get if you preserver and  just simply do not take "no" for an answer. Failure is NOT an option!!!  (...although it is used as an excuse by some weak willed and lazy bums,  at times, to bilk the system.) Just keep moving the best you can, take  life as it comes and handle it in a positive way so that you can  experience the aging process gracefully rather than bitterly. Life is  too short to go through bitterly. Life is meant to learn our individual  lessons.
But, there is absolutely no reason not to have some fun along the way.
"Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle." ~ Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Holy MaWikiquote

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #24
my hats off to you!  your an inspiration to a lot of people!

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #25
Well, thank you, jcassity.
"Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle." ~ Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Holy MaWikiquote

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #26
You sound about like my Dad, we he was in his 20's he got hit head on by a guy. The other driver was dead on impact but poor Dad fractured his skull 3 places, destroyed both knees, crushed a couple discs in his back, he is technically legally blind from an air bubble that formed in his eye and filled with blood vessels. So everything he sees is distorted. He worked all his life and never drew unemployment. He has had I don't know how many back surgeries and a knee replaced. Now adays (and the reason I moved back and took a lower paying job) he has a torn bicep and ripped rotater cuff but is in the garage every day doing something. I may not like him alot at times but I hope I'm half as motivated. I only got a bum hip lol
88 Turbocoupe: Coast High Performance 331 kit 28oz balance, Comp XE264HR14 cam, 58cc 185 afr heads, 1.7 roller rockers, Mass-Flo EFI (was POS to setup and their techline is a joke at best)
Full 1 5/8 primary equal length headers, 2 1/2 exhaust, Full manual reverse VB c4 and baked off clear coat "BECAUSE RACECAR"

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #27
For sure, some of the world's population has became coochfied.
I live with pain every day as well, but I keep on keepin' on. lol
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

just a little ole random thought for a few of you.

Reply #28
This reminded me of a George Carlin rant.


Good Video!

Reply #29
Quote from: Big B;415643
This reminded me of a George Carlin rant.

Absolutely PRICELESS!!!

"Chilly ain't never been 'Cool'!"
~ George Carlin
"Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle." ~ Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Holy MaWikiquote