Reply #1 –
In the end no one knows just who sits at the computer on the other side of the network connection if they never meet them in person. I think it's called "Confirmation Bias", when your mind basically accepts only the hard evidence that supports your theory, and immediately disqualifies anything else as en error or fluke. Which of course warps the definition of "fluke" because likely half the evidence is being categorized as a "fluke". So when a newcomer like yourself joins, tries to establish him/herself in the way you did, I'll admit at first I didn't know what to think. Logically it makes sense, you wanted to simply regurgitate correct mechanical knowledge so people would welcome you into conversation about whatever came up next, quickly breaking the "new guy" ice.
Definitely a fine line to walk between providing a ton of helpful info and appearing self-important. There's no second chance on first impressions, and if yours didn't go so well, so be it. You have a successful business, you must be doing *something* right, and if you know for sure that you're doing things right, treating customers the right way, treating the people that love you the right way....who cares what a bunch of people you've never met think? It's very tough to have faith in yourself and be satisfied with that. It must date back to the caveman days, we need recognition from everyone that "Yup, you kick ass man!" or we cannot help but doubt that we are what we want to be. And then there are plenty that are patted on the back daily because of what or who they are, and they really want something entirely different...