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Topic: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere... (Read 3053 times) previous topic - next topic

Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

..I mean, how else could you explain all the money I've come into this past week? So far I've:
  • Won $1,000,000 in an Italian lottery
  • Won one hundred thousand british pounds in a UK "High stakes lottery program" (the hundred thou is my share of two million)
  • Won $1,000,000 in a spanish lottery
  • Been offered 30% of 6.5 million dollars in exchange for helping the former security chief of Yukos oil in Russia to smuggle his fortune outta there
  • Offered 25%  of $25,500,000 plus 5% for expenses in exchange for helping a Dubai businessman recently diagnosed with cancer to distribute his selfishly gotten money to people who need it
  • Offered 25% of $24,000,000 plus 5% for expenses in exchange for helping a Hong Kong banker smuggle a buttload of money that belonged to an Iraqi general killed in the war. The general had no next of kin so I'm to claim to be a relative and claim the money before the evil, communist Chinese government gets their grubby hands on it
  • Offered $8.5 million in exchange for taking over as power of attorney for a widowed born-again Christian in Dublin before she dies of cancer (big hurry here, she's only got three months left)
  • And just now, been offered 1.5% of $155,000,000 to look over the "re-investment" of the assets of the former owner of Yukos oil
My God, I can't wait 'til all this money starts rolling in! I'm gonna have a solid gold Thunderbird made! And I'm gonna buy a tropical island, build a race track, and helicopter all of you and your cars down for Cat Jam '06! Can't you just feel the excitement?
And it gets better: I've also been offered countless discounted prescription drugs, software at a fraction of the retail price, and the "inside track" on wholesale consumer electronics. Not only am I gonna be really rich, but I'm not even gonna have to spend that money!!!!!
So, am I the only one who has noticed a sharp increase in this sort of bullshiznit lately? Methinks my spam filter needs a tuneup...:toilet:
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #1
Yeah, the Spam's been gettin through on my computer too.  It's getting to be a pain deleting files while in safe mode.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #2
It is getting much worse...we're trying to deal with it at work. Most of them are a result of new virii swirling around. If you get any e-mail in German, and you're pretty sure you don't know anyone that speaks German, that's the end product of a virus.

I've been getting some prescription spam for quite a few years. Best one is for pen 15 enlargement. I get a kick out of those...I mean, come on, I've been pulling on the  thing for over 20 years now. If it ain't bigger by now, no pill's gonna do it. ;)

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #3
What? You mean that doesn't work? it!

Err, forget I said anything. :p

(note that the first thing I saw when I posted that was the little guy in my sig saying "He'll be out in a minute.")

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #4
I only have 3 words for everyone who is getting tired of virus's, updating virus software, safemode, trojans, etc. Buy a mac....

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #5
No viruses here, I delete all those Emails without reading them.. and it's getting less and less likely that I will ever buy a Mac.

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #6
Quote from: EricCoolCats
I mean, come on, I've been pulling on the  thing for over 20 years now. If it ain't bigger by now, no pill's gonna do it. ;)

Lol... signature worthy quote there  :rollin:
1987 Thunderbird 3.8. Sold :(

1982 Thunderbird - Goodbye 255, Hello 302!

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #7
Not sure what having a Mac has to do with receiving spam. These emails were spams, not viruses - I don't even see the virus-containing emails because my server deletes them automatically and Norton Antivirus nails anything that might sneak through that first line of defence. And in the very rare case that Norton doesn't pick them off my own brain can handle the rest.
I've been using a PC/DOS/Windows since the late 80's and have experienced one virus in the entire decade and a half on a computer that I set up and use, and I found and deleted that one with no major effects (the computer was a 486, the first I had ever connected to the internet). Granted, my brand new Dell had seven viruses on it right out of the box last December, but that was before I had a chance to "bulletproof" it.  Once I formatted it and set it up properly it was, and still is, OK.
Getting a Mac may prevent a lot of this shiznit, but one thing goes a lot further: Get a brain. If you practice safe computing and protect yourself with updates, antivirus and safe software such as FireFox you will be OK in the world of viruses, trojans, etc.
Telling somebody to "Get a Mac" to avoid virus trouble is like telling somebody to buy a Citroen 2CV to avoid speeding tickets. Unless you learn the rules of the road (or internet) you'll always be vulnerable, no matter what you're driving. If, by some divine intervention, Mac suddenly grabbed 98% of the computer market the viruses would be even WORSE, because typical Mac people, complacent in their perceived security, don't know how to deal with or prevent them. The only reason that viruses aren't as common on Macs now is because the virus writers don't bother with them. Virus writers know they'll cause the most damage to PC/Windows users not because Windows is vulnerable but because so many people use it.
Microsoft could patch Windows to be 100% secure (XP with all the updates is pretty ed close), but until they can patch the idiot in the computer chair in front of the screen viruses and spyware will always exist. To draw a mythical comparison: Legend has it that vampires cannot enter your house unless invited, just like scripts cannot run on your computer unless downloaded and opened. Yet, inexplicably, vampires still get into houses because people are stupid enough to let them in, and spyware/viruses still get into computers because people are stupid enough to download and run them. And just like vampires, viruses and spyware often trick their victims into welcoming them. This is not the fault of Microsoft, nor is it the fault of AMD or Intel. It is the fault of the average computer user, who would be just as stupid whether they were sitting behind a Mac or a real computer :evilgrin: .
Back on topic - maybe if I keep getting all this money I can buy Microsoft and beat some sense into the programmers :D
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #8
Whup - just as I typed that I got another one. The widow of the former Minister of Finance of the Philipines has just offered me a portion of her $12.3 million inheritance if I let her send her safety deposit box to me. WOOHOO! Drinks are one me!!!
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #9
Well I guess this is an example of the "RDF"..

To a Mac user, they're whipped into a frenzy believing they're SO safe from viruses and what not because they have such awesome hardware and software, when in reality it's mainly because it's such a niche machine that it gets far less attention from virus coders than the "Wintel" PC does. Turning a negative into a positive there, but it's still kinda silly to me. That's like bragging that you don't get any speeding tickets because you ride a moped.

I remember seeing something about a (more or less) proof-of-concept virus being written for Mac, and it turning all the Mac-ites pale and shaky for awhile, until they swept the memory of it under the rug and went back to drinking the Jobs Kool-Aid. I'd love to see a few more come out for it, just to shut the fanatics up a little. (but of course, then they'd still say something like "well, we get LESS viruses, so Buy A Mac [tm]")

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #10
MAC??? Is that something like a 8-Track?? :D

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #11
Yeah, exactly. :p

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #12
Well, if there weren't holes big enough in Windoze to walk through in the first place, y'all would be in the same position as us. ;) Truthfully, Macs can still spread a PC virus. We just don't usually know it, unless we have some type of anti-virus software. But most Mac users don't because, well, they really don't need it like PC users do. How a virus affects a PC in no way affects a Mac, period...they're two different OS's in that respect. An imbedded .exe file? Ha! We poop on you. If we get a Word or Excel virus/worm/what have you, then there is the possibility that we could be infected. Oh well...reload Office, restart, go back to work. What's propogating the current crops of virii are--you guessed it--Windoze servers. So Mac people do get the same spam that PC owners get.

There have been at least half a dozen proofs-of-concept Trojan horses for OS X since 2001. NONE have ever made it into the real world. Just last month, with the release of Tiger/10.4, users quickly discovered a flaw in one of the new touted features, reported it to Apple, and 10.4.1 was quickly released to fix it. Billy-Boy Gates would never move that fast to block a new PC virus, or even a potential security issue, now would he? There will be a day in the future where there is a serious, nasty Mac virus on the loose...the odds are simply against Mac users in that respect. Mark my words, though: there will be a fix within 48 hours, and life will go on. We work as a community to help our Mac bretheren out.

Ol' Billy Boy could do way more to help PC users out. Yet he chooses not to for whatever reasons. He washes his hands of everything, like the kindergarten teacher who watches 4th graders start a fire on the playground--"Oh well, not my class, nothing I can do about it". I will guaran--tee you that most Mac people are more honest than a lot of PC users. Due to sheer numbers? Undoubtedly. But we don't have to worry about some dork in their mom's basp00get cooking up a nasty Trojan horse for OS X. PC users sure as hell do, every time they use a PC. Call us smug, call us arrogant, call us Disciples of Jobs, whatever...we simply don't need to worry about those sort of things right now. Your tireless work to keep your PC clean and virus-free is simply something we don't have to do. And we don't ever have to give one frickin' red cent to Billy Boy. Life is good.

And you're right Carm...there will always be a PEBCAK problem, no matter what OS people use (PEBCAK: Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard). ;) The writers of Trojan horses and spyware prey exclusively on those who are not as cautious as they should be. However, I have seen no real-world help from M$ in that department. They could be doing a much better job. It's an immense problem, sure, but I recall hearing somewhere that Billy Boy has some money stashed away. So that shouldn't be an issue.

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #13
Best one is for pen 15 enlargement. I get a kick out of those...I mean, come on, I've been pulling on the  thing for over 20 years now. If it ain't bigger by now, no pill's gonna do it.

That caused a laugh that made my eyes water... thanks Eric, I love those.

Re: Must have a horsehoe jammed somewhere...

Reply #14
Quote from: EricCoolCats
y'all would be in the same position as us.

whats that? on all fours?

basically, the way i see it, is there is no free lunch

you buy a PC, you can buy them dirt cheap, have a fast and capable machine, and have money for upgrades, software, etc, but have the virus/trojan/spyware issues

you buy a Mac, pay a hefty amount, need more expensive software that works with Mac, and have compatability issues with some software out there, but have *less* virus/trojan/spyware issues

while im not very educated on computers, i do know that they are fast porn box's.....i....i mean
It's Gumby's fault.