Starter Problem Solved!
Reply #59 –
Darren, I was referring to the fact that he bought the BWD Select solenoid, not the Motorcraft.
The part store brands are usually not the same quality as the Motorcraft ones. I went to Ford(Because that's where I knew I could find one. I was unaware that O'Reilly's sold Motorcraft), bought a new OE solenoid for less than I spent on two shiznit ones, and no issues.
I hope that makes sense, I didn't notice that you were the one who posted about the solenoids available a O'Reilly's.
Just my personal experience. I understand that you can get bad parts occasionally, but the severity of the failure,(x2) in this case, warranted spending a bit more on a product that I can count on. When you are 200 miles from home and something goes wrong, your perspective is a bit different.