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Topic: Toyota's New Recall Fix... (Read 6403 times) previous topic - next topic

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Cowrolla anyone?

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #1
I don't see this fixing the problem. Those accelerators can have a mind of their own, sometimes. At least you'll be able to buy a Toyota with some semblance of torque, though.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #2
But if you don't feed them then you will have no torque! and they may rampage on ya!
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #3
Oh great, now they can steer themselves! :shakehead

Shiny Side Up!
"as if 'religion' were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature." -C.S. Lewis

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #4
Still has less rot than a Tacoma.

Here's one for ya ;)
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #5
LOL everyone!

Seriously I always knew the point that we started driving by wire instead of direct mechanical linkages that there would be serious issues. What worries me is things like steering and braking being taken over by wire, although it's been under development for the future for quite some time.

My Mustang has a throttle by wire accelerator. I often forget that is has it but I don't seem to worry about it. I think Ford must have a very reliable and safe system because I have never heard of such problems that are plaguing Toyota.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #6
I already have a car with electric power steering. As for the Mustang's drive by wire, that drove me nuts trying to drive a manual one. When you depress the clutch and let off the throttle, it doesn't drop rpm. Then when you put your foot back into it to engage the clutch, it over-revs. I'm sure you might get used to it after awhile, but I hated it.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #7
Toyota's new motto " moving forward.  Whether you like it or not!!"
FORD The Pacemaker of a CHEVY

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #8
Quote from: oldraven;314532
I already have a car with electric power steering. As for the Mustang's drive by wire, that drove me nuts trying to drive a manual one. When you depress the clutch and let off the throttle, it doesn't drop rpm. Then when you put your foot back into it to engage the clutch, it over-revs. I'm sure you might get used to it after awhile, but I hated it.

I had a 05 Cobalt I drove for quite a while a few years ago and I hated the electric power steering. It just always felt wrong and it would not keep up with quick inputs.

I test drove a new Mustang once with a manual transmission but I never did drive one so equipped enough to notice the rev when clutching. I passed up on a manual transmission simply because of the stop and go traffic around here and the fact that I am older now and I get occasional knee and leg pain that makes it uncomfortable to do clutching. However I do love a manual transmission for fun when I am in the mood for it.

Now that I think about it, the last manual transmission car I has was my 1994 Mustang convertible. My only other stickshift was a 1983 Camaro 4-cyl. I learned to drive a stick shift in the 76 Mercury Bobcat pictured below which my Aunt bought brand new and still has it today!

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #9
I guess it might be a different story in a smaller vehicle, but I haven't noticed any issues with response in my Vue. The only time you notice it's not hydraulic is when it doesn't bog the engine down in a parking lot.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #10
This guy on TV was showing what to do if your Prius runs away.
To shift to neutral you hold the shifter to the left for the right amount of time for the computer to recognize you want to shift to neutral.
To shut it off you hold the start button down X amount of time so the computer will shut it off.
Sounds like if the computer is ignoring you're inputs, you are SOL.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #11
Quote from: oldraven;314543
I guess it might be a different story in a smaller vehicle, but I haven't noticed any issues with response in my Vue. The only time you notice it's not hydraulic is when it doesn't bog the engine down in a parking lot.

It's all scary... No mechanical detachment...

So what's the next remedy? A giant dragway car parachute on the back and a boat anchor to throw out the window.... Oh but wait they rig that up to be electronically deployed as well...

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #12
Somebody I work with made a crack today about these Toyota drivers...wondered why they couldn't just turn the key..?

Told him they don't have ignition keys's hard to kill one.

I'd just worry about getting the sumbitch in neutral...Toyota is already gonna get the car shoved up their ass for not de-throttling...I'm past caring if the engine has blown up or not.

'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #13
Quote from: Watchdevil;314575
It's all scary... No mechanical detachment...

I'm not sure what you mean by that, but it's still rack and pinion. It's only power assisted, just like the traditional power steering systems. There is still a purely mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front tires.

Toyota's New Recall Fix...

Reply #14
Quote from: oldraven;314604
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but it's still rack and pinion. It's only power assisted, just like the traditional power steering systems. There is still a purely mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front tires.

Oh sorry I replied out of context... I was refering to cars that have electric accel pedals with no cable and push button start/stop.... The electric steering pumps I have no issue with except they feel different than normal.