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Topic: fuel found in oil. (Read 2224 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: fuel found in oil.

Reply #15
Every time Ive seen this, It has been leaky injectors. Then again I dont let anything else go till the point where It dumps that much gas. But yes, that is my input. Stick a fuel pressure gauge on the rail and turn the key to the on position. you should get about 40+ psi. and it should stay there for a while. If it drops it COULD be your injectors......... The only way to make sure it is the injectors and not a messed up regulator or pump, is to lift the rail and see if any fuel is leaking.  Tell us how you make out.

Re: fuel found in oil.

Reply #16
What do you mean, if I lift the rail and see if any fuel is leaking? Doesn't fuel go through the fuel rail. Im going to buy a fuel pressure guage sometime this week and check the fp. What kind of fuel pressure gauge should i get? and where could i get one for a decent price? Thanks.

Re: fuel found in oil.

Reply #17
have you checked your FPR yet bro?

when he says lift the fuel rail, me means lift it up, to where all the injectors are out of of manifold, to see if the injectors are dripping or leaking, when they are in the off position (closed so fuel doesnt pass through)
It's Gumby's fault.