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Topic: '85 Thunderbird running problems (Read 3167 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: '85 Thunderbird running problems

Reply #15
I'm sorry for taking so long to reply, what with finals and work I was kept pretty busy.

In accordance to "when it rains it pours", the engine developed a knock on cylinder 3, which turned out to be a shaved cam lobe. I then replaced the cam and the lifters with a Melling CL MTF 1, and now have it in running order, back to the original problem.

I got it to the point where if I disconnect the ACT sensor it will run and I am driving it around to break in the cam, but the mileage is horrible (average of 6 mpg, and when I'm accelerating it's 3-4) and when I stop and leave the car running, there's wet spots under the exhaust, which I don't really know what they're caused by.

I am thinking that the previous owner must have crossed some wires somewhere, so maybe redo the wiring ? I am just throwing some ideas around, please feel free to give me yours, as I would really like to get it running again.

2003 Triumph Speed Four
1992 Dnepr MT-11 30rwhp "Gracie"

Re: '85 Thunderbird running problems

Reply #16
My battery went flat this morning so I took it to Autozone to recharge/test it. I also hunted around the local salvage yards and found a wiring harness which I will pull tomorrow and install on it. For $20 I figured there was no reason to redo the wiring by hand.

The other option I have right now is to get the whole FI setup from an '88 , which the guy is asking $100 for, although I will try to negotiate.

Again, please contribute with any ideas you might have.

2003 Triumph Speed Four
1992 Dnepr MT-11 30rwhp "Gracie"

Re: '85 Thunderbird running problems

Reply #17
After swapping the harness ,computer and MAP sensor, things got a little better, but not by much, and I finally decided to go the old-fashioned way with a carb.
I have taken out the cfi, distributor and in-tank fuel pump and replaced them with a motorcraft carb and distributor and a noname electric pump sitting where the fuel filter used to be ( it has its own filter).
The car is running nicely now, and I have two wiring harnesses, two cfi computers and one set of working, almost new sensors for sale.

2003 Triumph Speed Four
1992 Dnepr MT-11 30rwhp "Gracie"