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Topic: kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty (Read 1445 times) previous topic - next topic

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

over what to do about it.
Not that I have any regrets, cause I don't.

My home depot joke thread turned into this huge reply, which after I typed it all out was  out of place, considering that topic.

the reply by slicksport88 about going down aisles and planning new projects got me thinking...

I'd love to remodel my kitchen and bath.
I need a new roof and siding.
I'd really like to put a slab of concrete in the shop and wire said shop, as well.
I need a new roof, and siding.
I'd also like new carpet, cabinets, and new doors all through the house.
But this place needs a roof real soon, and siding in the next year.

In a year or so though, it's either build on for 2 or 3 more rooms, or find a 3 or 4 bedroom house, in the country, with basp00get, shop, and wood heat.
What sucks about it all is, my son will be the third generation to grow up on this farm. Lot of history, lot of memories.

Dad is just about g razorblades and thumbtacks since I told him I need more rooms built on. His folks (my grandparents) bought this farm in 1957 when he was 6. They built the house I'm in now in 1979/80, and I lived here all through my high school career, before moving out on my own. Then my grandparents passed on, and at urging from Aunt, the ex-wife and I moved here.

I'd love for Cole (and the baby sister he'll have in February) to grow up here, but...I need more room.

The basp00get has no exit, save for the stairs up, and it's had water in it a few times, so I really don't want to finish it out with a couple new rooms, but if I had to, I would.
Not sure it'd pass state codes/laws, because of the no outside door(s).

The walls are cracked in a few spots, but nothing I'd term severe.

I know describing it doesn't do much, I can post pics if it would help get an idea.

Food for thought: no rent, I can have my dogs/cats, as many cars as I like stored etc, also on 190 acres. Plenty of room to play lol.

So seriously...what would be my best option?:D
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #1
Just build onto the house.It's an investment for the family and future.If you move,you'll have to have house payments and all of the rest that comes along with owning a house.Use the money to upgrade what you have one bit at a time.Take some time,plan it all out,and move ahead.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #2
I'd have to agree about adding on, or even in the worst caseif you think what you have now would cost more to upgrade then it's worth, see if you could build next to that one and then take the one you're in down.

I know with the house I live in with my mom that by the time we brought everything up to code and added on, we'd almost be better off rebuilding (which we've thought of, but not with this economy). I know with my baby on the way we'll be a bit more cramped for space but I'm remodeling part of the basp00get for now. We get the occasional leak, but it's not enough for me to worry about. 

And we all love wants, but needs come first. I want more than anything to get cracking on my prefect, but I need to get things ready for the baby (house and car wise) so in the garage it sits. I just keep reminding myself that the hard part is over with and the body is in the garage for when I have the spare cash ;)

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #3
What does your house look like now?  Size, rooms, 2nd floor?
I've built many houses and additions in the last 30 years.
***** Project "EVOLUTION" 1987 Cougar LS  & 1985 Cougar Convertible *****
5.0 HO 306 roller block, machined GT-40P heads, Wiseco dished forged pistons, Eagle forged floating I-beam connecting rods, Lunati pushrods, ARP bolts, Scorpion aluminum 1.6 rockers, Comp Cams Magnum 266HR, Explorer intake, 65mm TB, MAF Conversion, 19# injectors, Ford Racing stainless P-headers, 2-1/2" cat-less exhaust w/ Flowtech Afterburner lers , SC AOD with 2800 BDR torque converter, 3.73 T-Lok rear, CHE rear control arms, full 2-1/2" frame w/1" jacking rails & seat supports, Rear disk brakes, Turbine wheels, All original interior w/ floor shift upgrade .......
Pretty much every panel on my 87 is new, rebuilt, or re constructed. :D
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kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #4
I know how you feel man, I have 3 kids and a wife in a 530 sq. ft. house with a leaky basp00get and warped wood/bad shingles on my roof.....except I only have about a 1/2 acre and not much room to expand. Your place seems to have a lot of history  and i'm sure you would regret it if you sold it. Just take your time and plan it right, and don't cut a lot of corners.

1994 Lincoln Mark VIII

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #5
Im pretty sure you will be fine on code. Does it have any windows? Where are the stair related to a outside door?

I know a few people that have finished basp00gets without an outside door in MO. They all have windows, and all the ones I can think of also have a door very close to the stairs.

I say stay.
1986 Cougar LS

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #6
It has 4 smallish windows, and the top of the stairs is about 5 feet from the back door. I'm not in a town, so that'd be one less thing to deal with lol

As it stands, I don't want to's just that my father drags his ass even more than I do. If he's involved with it, it'll literally take 3 months to do...ughh.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #7
3 months isn't so bad.It would take that long to find a suitable new home,buy it,move in,and get everything done.Start now,winter is coming.It sucks driving nails in the freezing cold.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #8
Three generations, it should be paid for, or at least no mortgage on the house. 
You'd be surprised, but I'd be willing to bet your dad would get on board (excuse the pun) and help plenty with a room addition for a grandchild, ESPECIALLY if he thought that you moving off to town somewhere might affect his visiting time with the grandchildren.  Being a grandfather, I'm here to tell ya, there ain't much grandfathers won't do for their grandchildren.  It's like we see it as a chance to fix what we did wrong the first time around, with our own kids, or just make sure they have a great life.
Sounds like most of your family is in the area, and I'd be willing to bet your wife's family is from reasonably close by as well.  What do you think FAMILY is for?  All ya gotta do is ask 'em, and if they can't do what you need, they probably know someone that can, especially when it comes to home construction.
You don't want a mortgage to get a new roof.  You'd be better off taking an ELOC for enough to do the roof, and also to add on the rooms.  ELOC's come with pretty good rates lately, AND, just like a mortgage, the interest is tax deductible.  It may be crowded in your home, but I'll bet I got ya beat.  I have three teenagers (my wife's kids) aged 15 to 19, and three little ones 18 mo to 7 yrs (my grandchildren) living in my home right now.  That's 8 of us in one house, ranging in age from 1.5 (the youngest granddaugher)  to 51(me).  I know what crowded is.  Every other weekend, my youngest daughter also stays here, bringing the head count to 9, if we don't have visitors.
(X2) '86 Thunderbird, 3.8L CFI, C5 Tranny
'92 F-150, 5.0L EFI (SD), M5OD Tranny, 3.08 Dif
'70 VW Beetle, 1780cc, twin Solex 43's.

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #9
out here every house has a basp00get and none have doors that I can think of.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #10
It's really cool that everyone that's posted so far have all agreed that I stay on here. It's in my heart, as well.

When I first started staying here the second time in December 2005, it didn't feel right, it was my grandparent's home, but they were gone.

I had some personal problems, I'll admit I had a dependency problem as well. My step brother had died in a car wreck Halloween night of '05 and I was coming to terms with that as well.

I gained (successfully, this time, I may add) sobriety AND peace of mind in this house. I spent a LOT of time alone between May 2006 to January 2008, when I met Nicole. I found something that was lacking in my life, and it goes far beyond the pills, booze, and the other stuff. The fact that I have a family of my own is most important though.

I don't want to leave this place, it's home.

Thank you for making me think anew of what it all means.
Looks like over the winter I'll be making serious plans to build on.
Thankfully, I have enough yard space on the east end to add 2, maybe 3 rooms, increase room in the bathroom, AND even add a single car garage on to the end.

I'll try to get some pics of it outside tomorrow before work to put in a nutshell what I mean.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #11
I'm glad to see you've decided to stay, and congrats on the sobriety! That's a big deal! After living on a farm with that much land and no neighbors right next to you, you would probably hate living in town. Not having a mortgage is nice too!

kids, houses, and a little bit of uncertainty

Reply #12
You know what man, I am glad to hear you went from having bad addictions to being addicted to not only your family but also a website full of friends. Feels good to have people who care doesn't it? Congrats on your sobriety man, thats huge!