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Topic: 84 5.0 won't crank! (Read 2004 times) previous topic - next topic

84 5.0 won't crank!

i just got a 84 cougar 5.0 and when i jumped it the other day it started up fine no problems. when i pulled off the jumper cable it died. ok no prob so i go to restart it it clicks then nothing. and when it does clicl all the lights everything goes out. so now my question is why does it do this and what could be the culprate. and it isn't at my hose yet so im gonna be doing this when i can get back over to the car. thanx for n e help u can give me!
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #1
Kinda sounds like the alternator went out then the battery drained.  Once the booster cables were pulled off the car the bad alternator put out no juice to keep it going.  Check the cables connections etc.  Bring the battery and alt to  a part store they can charge the battery and check the battery and alternator.

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #2
well im just gonna replace the alt n e way cuz i have a 100 amp im gonna use cuz i do have a good system that is going in it. so i need to upgrade. but the batt was dead thats why the jumpers were used. and just now when i tryed it with a freshtly charged batt when i went to start it with the headlights on just to see what my prob could be tryed 2 start it all lights went out but when i let off the key lights cam eback on. now what is the prob causing this?
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #3
Bad connection, maybe... or maybe when that happens the lights go off and don't come back on.  Clean the terminals, check the wires for a loose connection.  Electrical problems are a bee-hotch in Fords.

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #4
I agree all connections and cables should be checked

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #5
check the ground connection, I had the same problem when I first got my tbird and where the cable bolted to the frame it was dirty/loose, clean every cable connection you can find.
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: 84 5.0 won't crank!

Reply #6
well i have kinda figured it out since i did have time when my internet connection went nutz. but i belive it is the starter is no engaging all the way. so i belive a healthy rap on it would do the trick.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com