smokin like a freight train
Reply #15 –
Well, if you put the timing back to TDC, does it still smoke? It's probably just a strange coincidence between the smoking and the bump in timing. Bumping the timing that much will change the vacuum though.
The oil coming out of the weep hole in the wastgate actuator is just what's been blown into the line from the turbo.
That much oil in the compressor side of the turbo is caused by either a bad turbo oil seal, a turbo oil drain line issue, or a valve cover breather issue.
Did you ever plug the breather line location on the turbo inlet and run the breather line into a temporary catch can? Do that and see what happens. That would eliminate one of the possible sources. Clean the intercooler, vam hose, and the turbo inlet elbow, plug the breather inlet location in the inlet elbow, and run the breather into something like a 20oz pop bottle. Take the car for a short drive, get on it a few times, and see how much oil is in the pop bottle when you get back. Be sure to put the bottle somewhere it won't melt (ask me how I know). If it's empty, or has very little residue in it, and there is once again oil in the compressor side of the turbo, it's time to look at the other possibilities.
If the pop bottle has alot of oil in it, you've got a breather/blowby problem.