Misc Cougar/fox parts from 86 Reply #15 – May 27, 2009, 12:46:24 PM Hi,I need a left fender for an 85 TurboCoupe if it's the same as a Cougar.Shipping to 06320.Please let me know.Thanks, Joe Quote Selected
Misc Cougar/fox parts from 86 Reply #16 – May 28, 2009, 07:58:40 AM alright im pretty sure the turbocoupe fender would be the same. do you need the trim on the fender? the existing trim may be in ok shape id have to double check. Quote Selected
Misc Cougar/fox parts from 86 Reply #17 – May 28, 2009, 09:36:37 AM No, trim not needed.Seems from what I can find out is the only difference in the fenders may be that right behind the wheel above the belt molding mine has about a 3/4 inch "crease" that follows the body on the door and rear quarter.If yours have that, we're in business.Many thanks, hope to hear back from you soon.Joe Quote Selected
Misc Cougar/fox parts from 86 Reply #18 – July 16, 2009, 08:29:02 PM I do want to appologize forthe length of time it has taken to get parts up here. im back working and traveling all over the state and washington as well.. the parts will be available by the end of the month... i will pull fenders and other usable parts and bring them home with me My fenders DO have the crease that runs around the body right above the belt moulding. Once these parts are home we can continue with any deal's that need to be made. again i do appologize Quote Selected