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Topic: new gun ban (Read 11544 times) previous topic - next topic

new gun ban

Reply #105
And if someone's come to rape your wife, one bullet will take the ****er down, as will a pipe wrench in the side of the head. You don't need to pepper the block with a spray of bullets from an automatic rifle.

So you believe one (1) bullet can stop any and every assailant intent on harming you as they're moving towards you with a weapon or dangerous instrument in his or her hand?

That's a dangerous belief. 

I've seen plenty of accounts where armed law enforcement personnel have been mortally wounded by persons with non projectile weapons/dangerous instruments while the officer(s) did in fact strike the suspect numerous times with firearm rounds.

Even while armed with a pistol/revolver or even a rifle, the danger zone of a knife wielding attacker of the armed person is accepted as being a staggering 21 feet!

In non-military life; most incidents involving gunfire occur at a distance of less than 8 feet between the two shooters or shooter and victim.  Even at those distances; most accuracy rates are on the level of 15% or so.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

new gun ban

Reply #106
I haven't backtracked an inch. Go back and read my posts again, if you like. Every post I've made so far has been about assault weapons and carrying a concealed weapon off of your property. And nothing about banning guns outright. Try to quote me where I said otherwise, slappy. I have nothing against owning guns. I love moose meat. I just don't know how safe it is having random people pointing a device meant for mass murder to protect himself at people he feels threatened by. Our opinions obviously differ here. You seem to be the only one who can't grasp that I'm not going to agree with you. You're just going to have to deal with that, man.

thats right, you just want to ban only the guns that YOU think someone else should not have. you nor any one else have or should have any right to infringe on someone elses rights in this way and you dont seem to understand that. im talking about the right to protect yourself and your property both on it and away from it. as far as "assault weapons" are concerned,  skippy they should be regulated but certainly NOT BANNED. that right there is what im standing by and its much more reasonable an arguement than any of yours. imo of course.
im going to ask you again, maybe you will answer it. assault weapons asside, to make it a little easier for you. some of us need a little clearification on where you stand on this.
concealed carry being an issue of yours. you are saying that:
A. id rather it be law that anyone carrying MUST have weapon in question in plain veiw.
B. id rather it be unlawful for anyone to carry a weapon on them.
I just don't know how safe it is having random people pointing a device meant for mass murder to protect himself at people he feels threatened by.
thats correct, you dont know. further more, unless your a burgaler or the like, it has 0 bearing on you what so ever.
I have nothing against owning guns.
yes you have. just because the guns in question arent the ones you see value in owning doesnt make it a reasonable arguement to take them from someone who does.
You seem to be the only one who can't grasp that I'm not going to agree with you. You're just going to have to deal with that, man.
ditto but at least my arguement is fair and constitutional.
The shocking thing is how, no matter how many times Carmen says he's not for the banning of all guns, you still turn around and say he's out to do just that. You just can't hear/read anyone else's contributions to the thread. It's amazing. You've decided what we're saying, despite what we do.

its more so shocking to aactually see some one litterally say that "self defense" is a piss pore reason to own a gun. further more, i dont delieve for a second he would like jhis taken away or believes that guns should be banned all together. it is however self ritious and hypicritical to take someone elses for any of the reasons any of you have given.
And banning concealed weapons and assault rifles does NOT lead to a ban on all guns. How do I know? I know because I live in a country that has done this, and look, there's still a hunting season. You can still hunt in the UK and in Australia (though you can't fox hunt in the UK anymore, due to conservation). We're allowed to own guns, and I'm thinking of getting one myself, since having my dogs attacked by animals three times in less than two years. Your extrapolation is false, and proven false. This isn't puppies Germany, which I know so many pro-gun advocates seem to think is the perfect model for gun control. Again, purely false. Who the hell would model themselves after the puppiess? I have feet. Hitler had feet too. GOD  IT, I'M A puppies! Ludicrous, right?

banning concealed weapons and assault riffles does NOTHIN accept infringe on a citezens rights here. its rather rare for assault weapons to be used in crimes. its the guns YOU yourself claim to support that are involved in crimes 95% of the time when a gun is used. you can stay in canada. dont worry about our laws then. they dont effect you in any way. why are you even arguing with me about my rights as an american anyhow? its of no concern to you.
Why not? I haven't said anything to make you think I don't support gun ownership. You jumped to that conclusion all on your own. I just think gun ownership should be restricted. That doesn't mean the same thing you've made up your mind I'm saying. Assuming is the dangerous word there. And if someone's come to rape your wife, one bullet will take the ****er down, as will a pipe wrench in the side of the head. You don't need to pepper the block with a spray of bullets from an automatic rifle. shiznitty, shiznitty excuse to go dangerously overboard. I like the idea of using a shotgun (in the states) to protect your home, because at least now you're only risking the lives of those inside your own home.

i think in some ways you have. gun ownership should be restricted, but banning them reguardless of class is unjust, unfair and unconstitutional. it only hurts and infringes on the rights of those that value them. you would be pissed if it was you.
And if someone's come to rape your wife, one bullet will take the ****er down, as will a pipe wrench in the side of the head. You don't need to pepper the block with a spray of bullets from an automatic rifle. shiznitty, shiznitty excuse to go dangerously overboard.
LOL, okay put yourself in the situation, honestly. i promise you that if you were in the middle of that situation, and the crinimal us unloading a clip on you your going to wish you had a little more than a pipe wrench, a deer riffle or a single shot whatever. you have seen too many movies.
when it comes to your LIFE there is NO dangerously overboared.
I kinda think of it as the "pit bull syndrome". I grant you that there are vicious pit bulls in this world...but yet, I willingly chose to become the owner of two of them.
Not for some status symbol, or because i'm a drug dealer (i'm not, just an example.) but because I wanted them. I keep them locked up in a huge shed out of the weather where nobody can wander up to them..not that they'd be likely to bite, they're very friendly to people...but I still don't let strangers and very few other people near them...and not kids...because I'm the one responsible. They've never bitten anything but dog food and the tennis balls i throw for them...and it's going to stay that way, just like I keep my guns secured out of reach of most people.
perfect buttstuffogy, illistrates my point much better than the one i chose to use.
But using that buttstuffogy....would you turn your 16 year old, newly licensed driver loose in a 1500 horsepower drag car...I grant you, not each and every one could or would handle it safely...same as a firearm. Hell, most adults couldn't either...I seriously doubt I could, for that matter.

Not much difference in that regard, in that a car can kill as quickly or accidentally (or purposefully, even) as a the hands of the wrong people, or the know as well as I where that can go.
Thats why REGULATION and RESTRICTOIN needs to be in place, not bands. people that haven proven themselves dangerous or otherwise shouldnt have their rights as gun owners infringed uppon.
I wasn't implying that the "assault" rifles be banned, but that they merely have no justifiable (to me anyways) place in hunting. thats fair. you get it, i get it, many people get it, why dont they?
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

new gun ban

Reply #107
And The Winner For Largest Hand Typed Post Goes To..........................shame 302!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! Lmfao J/k
Just enjoyin the ride!!!!

new gun ban

Reply #108
Quote from: FordTruckFreeek;243631

The average citizen, in trying to defend his own home against sudden and unannounced intruers is usually more of a menace to family members than the intruders themselves.

It's all an alarm system, and don't use the "self defense" play as ammo (no pun intended) in this conversation of who should be allowed what guns and why discussion, because sir, that just is a piss-poor reason to own a firearm.

wow,, there is another one who thinks self defense is a piss poor reason to own a fire arm.  I just cant seem to get my head around that one,,,

Gun= kill
kill what?
food or people. 
anything else is just show boating.  If you showboat a gun just for fun / games, your a very odd person who in my mind is sorta dangerous. 

My concealed license keeps the arm out of sight for many reasons to include all those who get scared.  I keep it to myself and if you need to know, then obviously we ran into a situation.

oh well,,

Pauls post was one of the most informative I have read in one spot ever.  Based on past experience, I can not aruge more that the average gun should not delay in reload time or its your ass. 

In short, many people just dont agree with this topic but many do.  you who dont tend to root for the good guy when he / she was able to defend his or herself when it hits the 6 o'clock news.  Please confuse me more will you?

new gun ban

Reply #109
Wait...  Why was the second amendment created?

The less guns the people have, the less the government needs to worry about doing what ever they want.

Now, replace "government" with "criminals"

new gun ban

Reply #110
Quote from: oldraven;243636
Try to quote me where I said otherwise, slappy. I have nothing against owning guns.

ok, from the outside looking in, it appears you do and wish to take steps that would leave nothing left per below random statements by you.

Quote from: oldraven;242798

I'm showing support of removing concealed weapons from the hands of average citizens. Civilians.

And I'm all for getting rid of the guns for swords.

Personally, I think concealed guns are a huge part of the problem the US has with gun crimes.

 I just will never get the entire gun culture, when it comes to carrying one with you on a daily basis. It freaks me out to think of it.

Besides, you can't argue with numbers. Countries with bans on assault rifles and concealed weapons have drastically lower rates of gun crimes.

Its your opioion though, it wont bother me.  I actually have no problem with your opinion, I just want you to know that Shame302's observations were fueled by some outlandish statments you made of how you think we in america should conduct ourselves as we sit under you based solely on your experience in your enviroment you live.  I cant say i have a single issue with how you feel on this, it means more opportunity for the crooks up your way then mine,,lol

We have some odd ball laws here in the US.  I just recently learned during my trial that just because a crook enteres your unlocked home, the insurance is still lible to pay.  WHY? because the door was closed.  A crook opening a closed door is claissified as "breaking the barrier of privacy".  An odd but really good law for those who "think" they have to lock things up. 

Good thread though, I wish there were more law enforcement on here to contribute.

BTW Oldraven,
I posted my local state laws on ownership of said gun concealed or in the open.  You just protray most average citizens as stupid and gun slinging who cant execute a good shot 1 in 100 chances.  you also portray the average citizen as irresponsible with fire arms.  I would be more cautious around an armed canadian than i would an american.  You guys have no gun rights and the odds of finding someone able to use one properly would be even more rare up in your area than down here.

new gun ban

Reply #111
About the only way those quotes can say I want to see guns banned altogether is the one about guns for swords, which was a reply to an obvious joke.

Again, let me say it as clearly as possible. I do not agree with an all out ban on guns. There, no more confusion. Please don't reply and tell me that you still think I do, because I just told you I didn't.

I've spent the majority of my life far into the country, where bears regularly walk across lawns and coyotes come into the barnyard to kill chickens. I fully understand the usefulness and necessity of owning a gun.

And yes, Shame, my pick would be B, for taking the right to carry a concealed weapon, or just a gun in general, around the streets with you. We have that law here, and I honestly have never heard a Canadian complain that they weren't allowed to carry one around to protect themselves on a daily basis.

This is why I'm in this thread, because I live in a nation with the laws you're denouncing, and the stigma about living with these laws I'm reading here are way off base. Like on another board I'm on, where people are arguing whether or not Obama is a Socialist, or even more extreme, a Marxist. Well, a man who was born and raised and lived and worked, even served in the air force, in East Germany before the fall of the iron curtain posted what life was like in a Socialist state, and said that hearing people claim that the US just elected a Socialist makes him laugh. It wasn't his President, but he did have some first hand experience on the topic that put things in perspective for people. If a differing opinion isn't valued on this board, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to continue to get the shiznit kicked out of me for it.

And believe it or not, some of you guys are saying things that are getting me thinking (mostly V8Demon, who knows about the use of a firearm probably more than the rest of us). This isn't a one sided discussion for me. I know my knowledge of guns themselves is lacking, and the use of them, and I'm taking these points into consideration.

So, let me just say that I live with these gun laws, and I can tell you that by and large, Canadians aren't afraid of getting shot when they leave the house. We don't feel like we're being left unable to protect ourselves. We don't have a gun culture, and I'm glad to keep it that way. Despite how you think crooks will be drawn to Canada because the citizens aren't walking around armed, we don't have a high crime rate, and a much lower rate of gun crimes, even in our most populated cities. The proof is in the pudding, to use one last cliche.

new gun ban

Reply #112
I like pudding.

Make mine CHOCOLATE please:D

juuuuust tryin to lighten things up a bit
5 Mopars, an S-197, and the Turbo Twinkie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

new gun ban

Reply #113
I'm a Butterscotch man myself. :hick:

Heck, I'm just a plain old Scotch man!

new gun ban

Reply #114
mmmmm.....butterscotch :banana:
5 Mopars, an S-197, and the Turbo Twinkie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

new gun ban

Reply #115
Quote from: jcassity;243732
wow,, there is another one who thinks self defense is a piss poor reason to own a fire arm.  I just cant seem to get my head around that one

No, what I MEANT by that statement was that most people who'd have a gun for self defense would most likely be overkill and have something such as an AR-15 for a home defense tool, when a 12 gauge with medium shot is more than enough and takes far less skill to be effective at close range.
As far as your (legally licensed) right to carry concealed, I'm all for it. But, did you know, the majority of concealed carry licensees don't carry concealed most of the time?
I don't have a problem with concealed, in fact of i've thought hard a few times about getting licensed myself, and not for any reason, and  sure not to "showboat".
Good points though, and I DO believe everyone has a right to defend themselves, but not at the cost of innocent's lives.
I was merely stating my opinion that a shotgun is safer and mostly more effective than say, a semi auto that takes more skill to get back in aim after every round fired. Just my opinion though. :D
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

new gun ban

Reply #116
Ok. Everyone here has good points. But also everyone has to remember not everyone grew up in a home where guns were present 24/7. Some of us were like me. And if you have ever grown up or been around guns long enough you respect them and what they can do. and would never use them than otherwise directed ie. hunting,sport ect. Now most criminals don't care forthemselves or even human life. So why should they care or respect a wepon that is very deadly? But yes i can see where the gun taxing and everything will hurt the ones who use them for hunting even law enforcement. Now if it messes with law enforcement id seriously doubt a tax or anything like that, that would harm that would be put into action.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

new gun ban

Reply #117
Heck, I'm just a plain old Scotch man![/QUOTE]

yes u  r the man  fix me one to

new gun ban

Reply #118
Quote from: oldraven;243795
I know my knowledge of guns themselves is lacking, and the use of them, and I'm taking these points into consideration.

agreed, as on a similar note that you never see me posting much in suspension tech / drivetrain tech,, why>?
Because i really dont have the experience or the knowledge , Im not a reliable resource of information there.

new gun ban

Reply #119
Quote from: BEARMAX;243934
yes u  r the man  fix me one to

I'd love to oblige. :hick:

Best Scotch EVAR! It's shockingly expensive, but you'll never have a better dram in your life. ;)