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Topic: Not disgusting anymore. (Read 5966 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #30
 metric system......

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #31
Quote from: Bird351
Not so thrilled that you take the mainstream media explanation hook line and sinker

The mainstream media also shows video of her supposedly responding to commands. In reality, it was a few seconds of video taken from four (4) hours of tape.

Quote from: Bird351
Oh yeah.. the assertion that she'll *never* be able to feed herself is also bunk. One of the people campaigning for her is a person who was in her condition and recovered and went on to lead a full and meaningful life.. and I'm guessing that person is able to feed themselves in the process.

Here is some actual tech. I'll take a specialist with a MD over a nursing assistant. If you take the time to read, you'll see that nobody is denying she might be able to swallow some food here and there, but she (in the doctor's opinion) cannot take in enough to keep her from needing a feeding tube.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #32
*sings* Blame Canada!

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #33
Hey! We've hit a new low! I'm so proud of my state. :toilet:

Gabriel Keys (foreground) is arrested by police officers for trespassing in Pinellas Park, Florida, March 23, 2005. The young protester attempted to take a glass of water into the Woodside Hospice for the brain-damaged Terri Schiavo. A federal judge rejected a request from the parents of Schiavo to order her feeding tube reinserted, dealing a blow to attempts by the U.S. Congress and the White House to prolong her life. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #34
Man, Bird... Florida has been on a ROLL since that election four years ago!

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #35
The courts and government need to stay the F*ck outta what isent thier business i call this unlawful intervention unconstituntial. If you need to extend congress over the weekend to shove through a bullshiznit bill like this i call that having your balls in some hot water. The only case a court should have the say in a life or death situation is for a murder who happens to be on death row.

And thank you Jeremy B for explaining what some cant understand.

(Some words to think of for you who think she can still recover PROGRESSIVE VEGETIVE STATE and a nice little number 15 years)

A child cannot feed his/herself...should we stop feeding them for that reason.

Should we shove a feeding tube down its throat?

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #36
ok ive kept outta this thread cuz i know what my opinoin is and idk if everyone will accept ti but who cares. but her parents needs to give up because there is no way she will come out of it and be her normal self again. its just not gonna happen. wake up and smell the shiznit. so GIVE UP! but no there dragging it out causing her pain and suffering. and thats is just wrong. i know if i was like that and no way for me to get better pull the  plug. don't let me suffer. and im sure thats the same for everyone here. and i know there is no way for her to come back normal because the hert attack she had put her in this state and she has ireversabul brain damage. so there is no way to come out of it. now if some how her parents see this GIVE UP QUIT THE SUFFERING OF YOUR DAUGHTER!!!
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com


Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #37
i read the "affadavit" on this site and the local papers, i live about three miles from the hospice. When this "Nurse" was called in to testify or by local radio shows or news papaer reporters she recanted  a lot of the story and admitted that alot of her claims were second hand.

the big arguement is wheter the husband is truley carrying out his wifes wishes or not. Micheal had turned down serious cash offers to walk away. He has been told that he could get an immediate no fault divorce, there is no money left in the trust fund.

I beleive he is trying to carry out his wifes request not to be kept alive artificailly. Having gone through simialr cirspoogestance with an older relative i know that it is tuff for all parties involved
Baylensman 97 XR7

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #38
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the nurse has been "convinced" to contradict her sworn statement in a public setting.. and yes, I do tend to think the worst of people like this guy.. they're more than capable of it.

I see him mainly as an abuser who will be that much happier when one possible witness against him is removed from the picture.

Cougar8775: I'm sure will contradict this somehow, but.. one of the people sticking up for the woman in question is a person who had recovered from such a condition. So much for the "no way to come out of it" part.

As for my own current view on it, I'm so thoroughly disgusted and ashamed of the way the average person is reacting to this case, I'm pretty much done thinking about it. I'm only going to spend so much mental energy on someone that doesn't even directly affect me. Besides, the more I think about this guy, the more I have to tell myself he's not worth the criminal charges that might result from whatever actions I start to feel justified over when I think too much about it. Like I said,  good thing I'm living about 100 miles away now and not in the same area.

Between getting ripped off this week and reading about this stuff, I've pretty much lost any shreds of faith in humanity I may have retained up until now. I'm just numb.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #39
My cat's name is Mittens

Joking apart, this case does not affect any of us, and there is nothing any of us can do to affect this case. We're all entitled to our opinions, but there is no sense in getting worked up about it. I personally would not want to be kept alive with a feeding tube, but that's me.

It all boils down to one thing: Make your wishes known, and get a living will to make sure they're followed. Be specific: Don't say "If there's no hope", because no mattre how bad it is somebody will always have hope. Specifically mention things like "no feeding tubes", etc.

Bird351: Don't get worked up about getting ripped off on eBay. Consider eBay losses the same as a store owner would consider shoplifting losses. I sell a LOT on eBay and have to deal with this kind of shiznit every day, so i know it's frustrating. They're inconvenient, they make you mad, but they're pretty much unavoidable. You can do things to reduce the risk (a store would install cameras, you can initiate a policy in which you don't deliver the game credits until the paypal funds clear into your bank account), but nothing is ever 100% safe.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #40
The loss may be trivial to someone like you who does a lot of business, but those 13 million credits were about half of my available stock of credits at the time. Imagine how you'd feel if you lost half your inventory of sellable items in one hit.

Also, it would be unwise for me to put off credit transfers until after the money hits my bank. PayPal (sspooge that they are) takes like 3-4 business days to post that money to my account. (since I yelled at them massively over the hold, they did one transfer in 2 business days.. but that's it) Even if it was in my bank account, I think they slipped it into the PayPal agreement that they can deduct that money from your bank account.. so right back it would go. If I put into effect a policy like that, I would lose customers. If a customer buys while I'm awake and at home and checking Ebay/PayPal/Email regularly, I'm often done with my transactions (I'm paid, they get their credits, we exchange feedback) within like 10-15 minutes. Add 2-4 days to that and suddenly the other credit sellers look like a much better option. The one policy I AM going to put into effect, though, is to not sell more than 5 million credits to a single person in a day.. perhaps even in a week.

My only real options here are to either grow my business SO big that this sort of loss is trivial, at which point I'd be another IGE.. (a credit seller so big they have 10 people working there, and can afford to advertise in magazines) or to just get out of it. I wouldn't mind the former, but this incident sucked the will out of me. I've barely been able to maintain my in-game sales (how I make the credits in the first place) since it happened. If I lean on this guy too heavily for screwing me, he could report me to Sony and have two of my accounts suspended for credit selling. They don't like credit sellers, because they claim it encourages cheating. Funny, I don't cheat to make mine.. but that's irrelevant to them.

I think more than anything it just made me realize how deep of a pit we're in right now, in this transitional phase. Losing close to $100 is an irritating inconvenience to most of you.. but it was  near everything I had coming in this week. I've only made $20 in sales since then.. and the $30 that PayPal didn't put a hold on from before is already accounted for at the beginning of the month. I need to make the car more reliable, and make some money to pay for the classes we need to start taking soon if we're going to get anywhere with our plans. That $90-100, plus selling my 351, (which is starting to look somewhat less likely to happen anytime soon) would've helped things quite a bit.

Maybe in a few days I'll feel like generating some more credits to sell.. who knows.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #41
Quote from: Bird351
one of the people sticking up for the woman in question is a person who had recovered from such a condition. So much for the "no way to come out of it" part.

Can you tell me his name? I'd like to know a little more about his case.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #42
I'll have to dig up the article, it may be buried by now.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #43
Bah, screw this, I'll look for it tomorrow when I'm not working on my 5th beer. Frankly, I'm depressed right now over things not having to do with this case, and looking over this shiznit is just making it worse. Spent the last 20 minutes looking for it and I can't handle thinking about it that much.

Re: Just.. disgusting.

Reply #44
It was Pat Boone's son or something like that - he was on CNN last night
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣