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Topic: 1957 vs 2007 (Read 6613 times) previous topic - next topic

1957 vs 2007

Reply #15
Let me relate this story to scenario #1.  I graduated in grad picture was of me holding my shotgun.  No problems there.  I had on several occasions brought my shotgun to school cuz I was goin hunting after school.  Again no big deal.  That was 1989 (actually Fall of 1988)

fast forward to 2003, when my youngest step brother went to school with a 3" long pocket knife, got ratted out by some kid and had his book bag searched, and found the knife, and he got expelled.  I ask, WTF?
1987 TC

1957 vs 2007

Reply #16
I have never gone anywhere without a pocket knife since I was 6 yrs old. But I was taught that a knife is a tool and taught its proper use and proper care. I installed HD service at the Governor's mansion last fall for the OSU Michigan game. The state police officer that allowed me in the gate searched me, found my knife, asked, "For work purposes?" I replied, "That's what I carry it for." The officer nodded handed it back and said, "Benchmade, good choice." And I walked right in.
Today, children are not toaught responsibility. They are not taught discipline. They become spoiled brats who believe that anything they do is ok. They grow up to run someone down in a crosswalk because they were too busy talking on the phone to see the light turned red. They will argue til the day they die that it was not their fault.
The meek HAVE inherited the earth and it's a shiznitty place to live now.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #17
The whole world sucks because kids can't bring guns and knives to grammar school.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #18
No, it sucks because they can't be innocent or just be kids anymore.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #19
One reason for that is you can't trust half the kids out there to do the right thing. If you've never been disciplined then you never think about the consequences of your actions. This is why children can't carry guns anymore. The majority of them aren't responsible enough to carry a fork.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #20
Interesting - what part of the country were kids allowed to bring knives & guns to school in the 50's? I know it was not allowed in the 60's where I grew up - just curious - I'm too lazy to research this.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #21
To school? I don't know. I'm talking about being able to trust kids to have something at all dangerous in their hands. I know I was cringing when I watched my nephew (8) and his friends run into the woods with their home-made alder & twine bows and arrows, yesterday. I gave them one hell of a speech about only pointing them at trees and rocks, or Crows, but never each other. Even if they're not going to shoot, accidents happen and kids really do lose eyes when an alder gets jammed in the socket.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #22
Yeah, I mean we used to play chicken (or whatever it's called when you throw jacknives between each others feet and you have to close your feet and move on) with our knives as a kid and I don't see why kids couldn't do that now. The 11 year old had fun shooting a rifle at camp so I might let her do some target practice at my house now with mine. I'm not sure where the issue is - heck I'm jealous that my kids get to do archery and rifle shooting and I wasn't able to 'cause we lived in the city :(
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #23
I think the reference to taking a gun to school was when you could go hunting before school, keep the gun in your truck/car and go hunting again after school.
 You also could carry a pocket knife to school without getting into trouble, unless you pulled it out to use it as a weapon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #24
I walked to school. I'm chuckling as I imagine hanging my rifle over my shoulder while cutting through the Brigham & Womans hospital lobby on my way to school! :)
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #25
hell i grew up with guns in the house and was taught from a very early age to respect then and how to use them properly. now look at the kids today thinking they are toys. thats wrong. when did the gun go from using as a means for gathering your food for the winter to using it for fun and seen as a toy? im guessing the same time that this world went to shiznit.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

1957 vs 2007

Reply #26
Glad I don't know any kids like that. The only time I remember someone treating a gun improperly was when the security gaurd who watched the parking lot behind my house was drunk one day (we used to drink together all the time) and he came over and fired his gun into the ground as a joke. It wasn't really funny though :( The guy had a small pen 15.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #27
I too grew up with guns in the house.... and they weren't locked up, nor did they have trigger locks.... they were in the corner of the room and on gun racks.
The deterrent from touching them was knowing we'd get our asses kicked if we did anything improper with them!
I started shooting when I was 5 years old... it was a 45, 6 shooter. It knocked me on my I learned really fast not to mess with them.
I have also taught my kids how to shoot and the rules on proper usage and handling of them.  Cody was in trap at school a couple of years ago, and Hunter wants to join this year.
Both are great shots (My father in law says they take after me.... I can out shoot Roger and he was in the ARMY lol).
Keely will be learning as soon as she is big enough to hold a gun..... this summer might be it, my nephew has a tiny .22 with a short stock that might just fit her this year.

Oh and BTW, my kids also have a huge collection of knives and swords, and they know how to use them too. They also go out in the yard and spar with the swords......they call it practicing. :D

1957 vs 2007

Reply #28
My dad had lots of guns and machetes that he brought back with him after he left the service. He got rid of the guns when we were kids as he was afraid that we would get our hands on them and there was little use for them in an inner city appartment where we lived. I did have my eye on a beautiful machete with a red leather sheath that he kept in our closet. Oh, how I wanted it. He got rid of it without telling me - I was secretly bummed. I still get a hard-on when I see a display full of knives at a show or shop. I like guns too - been trying to decide on a decent pistol for self-defense - the rifle just doesn't cut it.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

1957 vs 2007

Reply #29
A 45 is a really nice one... but make sure you get training on how to handle it. Oh and be prepared for the big BOOM! lol (my son peed himself the first time he shot one)