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Topic: Im back...again... (Read 1539 times) previous topic - next topic

Im back...again...

after more computer issues, i have returned

i went through my computer, and was deleting a bunch of spyware programs, and things of that nature, and ended up deleting an important .exe file that windows needed to run, so windows wouldnt boot, and the computer was deemed useless

i took the comp over to my aunts, she reinstalled win2000 for me, and all that stuff, i spend the past 3 hours or so downloading all the  updates, and trying to figure out how to install the driver for my monitor, ive read a few different guides on how to install the drivers, and none of them would work with my computer, seeing ass it takes it in the butt, so im stuck with 16colors, w00t

as for the cars, the TC is doing the typical making me want to pull my hair out with the check engine light and idle issues, which is nothing new in the turbo ford world, i have almost gotten pulled over for speeding (70 in a 35, cop couldnt turn around in time to nab me, i was gone)

other than that, nothing has changed
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #1
have you tried cleaning the iac and checked the tps for the idle.

tell me about the speeding .you don't really  notice it till it's too late how fast you're's  fun though till you get caught

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #2
haha almost blew by a cop doin 140km in an 80 a couple weeks ago but noticed the graphics reflecting on the tailgate about 4-5 car lengths behind him... it was 4am who knew :hick:

Tbird232ci I know how you feel, its taken me almost a week since I first tried to reformat my comp. Three tries later and a whole lot of cussing I think I have won.... for now... 
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #3
Makes me glad I know howto setup/build basic PC's :)

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #4
Quote from: Rwolf
Makes me glad I know howto setup/build basic PC's :)

Yea mee too...

Shawn here's a hot tip... install a second(can be slave or master on 2nd channel)hard drive in the computer with windows on it ready to run(can be a small one 1.5 gig or so). Then when your feelin' randy, go into the basic computer setup and shut off ALL the other drives except that drive, now reboot and go surfin'... Worst case is you screw up that drive... After you've cleaned the keyboard(  :yuck:  ), reboot again, and turn on the other HD(s). Then you can resume normal activities...    :rollin:

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #5
Sounds like you've done this before :p
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #6
Quote from: tbirdscott
Sounds like you've done this before :p

 :bs: Not me  :nono: .... I'm happily married.... :D

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #7
Quote from: Tbird232ci
after more computer issues, i have returned

I give it a week  :grinno:  :flip:

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #8
Quote from: phyxius
have you tried cleaning the iac and checked the tps for the idle.

yes, but since i dont have an buttstuffog volt meter, i cant tell if there is a dead spot in the TPS, so im not 100% sure the TPS is good, ive actually swapped the IAC for a spare i had

well, this thing has been fully reformatted, so itll probably be another 2 years before itll finally take a dump on me
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #9
You were gone again? I thought it smelled better around here.. :p

We need to build you a porn-PC or something.. all the best spyware/virus tools, and a "spill-proof" keyboard. :p Maybe even a tissue dispenser in the top of the case. :rollin:

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #10
you locked threads since i was gone
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #11
Were you disappointed or something? :p

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #12
You need to stop surfing porn and spend time working on the cars instead.... :disappoin  :crazy:

Maybe go out and find yourself a g/f....and whatnot  :rollin:

Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #13
Quote from: Chuck W
Maybe go out and find yourself a g/f....and whatnot  :rollin:

I hear he only has eyes for Dare.. :p

Re: Im back...again...

Reply #14
Quote from: Tbird232ci
yes, but since i dont have an buttstuffog volt meter, i cant tell if there is a dead spot in the TPS, so im not 100% sure the TPS is good, ive actually swapped the IAC for a spare i had

As long as the TPS will mantain less than 1v at closed throttle, idle should not be affected. Thats easy enough checked with a didital meter..