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Topic: I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed? (Read 1390 times) previous topic - next topic

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

i got a broken xbox 360 to send off and i still got a working 360 with HD dvd player and Wii and PSP and DS Lite so when i get my older 360 fixed should i sell it for around $300 and buy me a cheap 40 gig PS3 for $400???? its not like i don't have everything else what games does everyone here play on PS3 and it will work for a Blu-Ray player also. theres only about 20 games i can't get for the other systems so tell me why i should get a PS3?
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #1 your money, and buy a life, a girlfriend, or something. All that money can buy you some something other than video games.
It's Gumby's fault.

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #2
I know but where only talking like $100 or so plus pay tax on it. Also i still got like $5,500-$8,000 to spend on my car this year or so might be on the low side if i can find me a nice TC for a DD. also going to put a few thousands dollars in my IRA account even if i can't take the money out for like 44-45 more years but then i can afford whatever car i want or cars. SO sell my old xbox360 when i get it back fixed and 1 or 2 days worth of work i got a PS3 and Blu-Ray player. When it snows or gets really cold here its not like i want to drive my car because i put all my money in it.

Getting the rest of my windows tinted next week and maybe a MSD coil and putting $500 maybe more into savings its just money.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #3
What the hell street corner are you working on that you make that much money... and can I get in on that action?
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #4
I got a PS3 and PSP and I love them both they work so nice together.

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #5
I love my Playstation 3.  My favorite game is Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (only available in puppiesan right now.  Coming to NA in April).  I also have Burnout Paradise, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Motorstorm, and Resistance Fall of Man.  All of these games are very awesome.  PS3 definitely hasnt disappointed me.

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #6
yeah king cars i wanted to play

 Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Motorstorm, and Resistance Fall of Man

Also i want to try heavly sword a GT5 whenever it comes to the US

i got 139 xbox 360 games right now and 28 nintendo wii games so i am would be buying a PS3 for 50% Blu-ray player 45% single player games 5% internet games.

in less than 30 days i owned like 35 wii games so about 45 days after i get a PS3 i should have like 10-15 games enough to make it worth owning.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #7
Uncharted looks great, I liked the demo I just don't have time to play it right now. I've been playing COD4 and warhawk. Right now warhawk is my favorite.


Oh heres a good reason to get a PS3 :)

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #8
Stop insulting the guy shawn by telling him to get a life,you do that alot.
Get the ps3' you'll love it.
Blu ray is awesome and the assortment of amazing the games is a plus.

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #9
If you'd be spending it on games anyway, GT5 Prologue is out in April. PS3 for sure.

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #10
i know gamestop has it for $40 whenever it comes out but i can go get heavly sword for like $20 and then motorstrom for $20 ridge racer 7 for $20 for the hell of it warhawk looks good and full auto 2 sucks for PSP so i might get it if i can find it cheap for PS3. But if they don't have it for XBOX360 or Wii i am almost sure i will own it for PS3 its just nice it did not snow today but there was still freezing rain.

Heres the Cons i see for PS3

No Gamerscore

Not every system or internet kit comes with a headset

XBOX LIVE is 5 years and running and its not more than $5 a month. The Wii has free internet and its not really a good thing sure it works for online mutiplayer but it would not hurt for there to be a lot more to and to pay to have something better.

No 120 GIG Hard Drive

In the start it was just a cheap Blu-Ray player more than a game system till a few games came out

Only 20 games out i can't get for the other systems

But don't worry i will get one sooner or later since i own everything else. Also thanks for the advice on games and what not.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #11 they have any spelling and grammar games for any of those consoles?
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #12
Hell No wait i am sure theres a few DS games maybe that do.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #13
That was a hint.....
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

I know a few of you just got a PS3 should i get one after i get my old 360 fixed?

Reply #14
Keep them both just buy a PS3 right now the xbox as a more extensive library of enjoyable games. My next big purchase is going to be a 26 inch RCA LCD HDTV with 2 HDMI ports and a ps3.

The only problem with PS3 is some games like DMC4 you have to install to your hard drive, and whats the advantage over owning it for the 360? 2 seconds less of load time. The only game i have ever had to install to my 360's Hd was Final Fantasy XI and i promptly deleted it because it blew.