3.8 - 5.0 swapout Reply #15 – January 19, 2008, 12:02:49 AM NO, get an 86 5.0 harness and it will PLUG in. No offense to you but I've said this probably 20 times on this board so some of the others could have told you that already.87 and 88 are a little bit easier to interchange the harnesses between them selfs but are still not plug and play like sticking with a same year harness is. 86 is an odd ball. The connectors are the older non weather sealed style (save for a few of them). 87 and 88 shared alot of the connectors but 86 is different in many ways.. The location of the dash interface is different, the fuel pump connector is different and so forth. Its not worth trying to modify. I swear I need to write this all down again.. and have it stickied.. Stick with the same year harness and it will plug in!! Quote Selected