Opening Day Deer Stories, 56K Hell
Well, it was a cold windy morning, but I sat out long enough, and saw 5 does at different times, one of which had a good sized fawn.
I also saw a smallish buck, but he was moving too fast for me to attempt a shot.
So anyway, I'd been out on my stand for about 3 hours, and was getting cold, and had decided to head for the house when 3 large does came walking past the stand.
They came from the northwest, I was facing southeast, had my gun leaning in a fork of the tree and was IN the process of climbing down, when I saw 'em.
I froze, and two of them looked due south into the wind, while the third was nibbling something on the ground, and I got my rifle, sighted in on the one eating, and took my shot, and made a good hit.
She went down instantly, bleated and died, as I slid another shot home and watched the other two start to run off.
All in all, it was a very good morning.
Anybody else have any luck this morning?? :D