Niki's '87 Cat LS November 01, 2007, 01:57:23 PM Thought I'd share a photo of my 1987 Cougar - sadly written off in an accident 11 months ago. The photo was taken at our first American car show after a respray and new interior, and I won Best Custom. This one was my second Cougar - the first was written off by vandals 4 years ago. Although I really should know better, I'm looking for yet another Fox Cougar, there's something about them that I just can't live without!The biggest problem I have with sourcing a replacement is the fact that I live in England, but I've managed it twice already - here's hoping it won't take too long.I would consider importing one from the States, so if anyone out there knows of any good Cougars for sale, please let me know....Niki Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #1 – November 01, 2007, 01:59:20 PM Nice! the last time I was in Spain was in 2000 and I saw a beautiful '88 T-bird sport with pony rims, exhaust and SPOTLESS factory paint. Welcome aboard! Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #2 – November 01, 2007, 02:00:36 PM WelcomeEngland? they have Cougars in England? Is that right hand drive? Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #3 – November 01, 2007, 02:12:02 PM Absolutely not right hand drive!! American car enthusiasts over here really frown on anyone who chooses a right hand drive American car, although they are becoming more common.I've driven American cars for over 12 years, bought the first Cougar totally on a whim, didn't know anything about them but was hooked within a couple of days! Since the first, I have owned an '84 Camaro, '73 Corvette, '88 Grand Am (big mistake!!), the '87 Cougar and a '68 Toronado. All my cars have been daily drivers, as I can't afford to keep one just as a show car, and couldn't imagine driving a European car!At the moment, I'm driving a '95 Chevy Astro with a custom body kit and all the usual accessories - it really turns heads over here but I have to admit really doesn't do a lot for me. I've been thinking about selling it since I bought it in February, and have been considering a Dodge Dakota, but it would be just too big as a daily driver - our car parks don't cater for decent size vehicles!So a couple of days ago, I started thinking about having another car instead, went to Ebay, thought I'd have a quick look at Fox Cougars and was hooked again. I don't think having another Cat is the best idea I have ever had, but this is one car that really makes me smile. It's my 40th birthday in a couple of weeks, what better present to myself than a Cougar?!Niki Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #4 – November 01, 2007, 02:21:21 PM Welcome.Yes a Fox Cougar is a much better choice than an Astro Van... You say your B-day is in a couple weeks? What date? Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #5 – November 01, 2007, 02:27:12 PM You're not wrong about the Astro!!!Birthday is 16th of this month, and I'm absolutely dreading it.... Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #6 – November 01, 2007, 02:33:37 PM Funny thing is that I have a thing for the Euro Capris, Sierras and Granadas. Love to have a Mk3 Capri 2.8i. Have an '87 Scorpio (Mk3 Granada) as a daily.Mine is the 27th..."only" 39 though.Good luck with the car search! Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #7 – November 01, 2007, 03:50:20 PM Welcome to the board Niki :D Happy early B-day and good luck locating another Cougar:)Chuck, your B-day is 2 days after mine....... 21 w/ 24 yrs experience :D Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #8 – November 01, 2007, 04:13:09 PM Thanks for the good wishes, will keep you up to date on the search....Chuck, I had a '86 Scorpio Cosworth a few years ago...... didn't like the looks, but it really shifted! Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #9 – November 01, 2007, 05:37:31 PM Niki,I enjoy station wagons (estates) a lot and it became quite obvious to me that the UK, Netherlands and Norway have a lot of American station wagons. France seems to have quite a few Ford Mustangs.With the gasoline prices continually going up I was suprised at the sheer number of American cars, large ones at that, having such a following in Europe.Glad to have you here. Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #10 – November 01, 2007, 06:06:02 PM Cougarlady, Welcome to the Fox Cougar/Thunderbird board where everyday is like a party but where's the chips and salsa dip? Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #11 – November 01, 2007, 11:28:25 PM Welcome, Niki. There's always cars for sale here. Gonna be expensive getting it over there though. Biscuits and tea for everyone. :D Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #12 – November 02, 2007, 03:42:21 AM Welcome and sorry you have had bad luck this far with the cougars. Ever thought about getting a T-bird?Its nice to see a custom paint job like the on a cougar and i hope you find another nice american car soon. Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #13 – November 02, 2007, 01:29:18 PM Thanks for your messages guys, much appreciated. Really nice welcome in this forum!Thankfully, I have a really good friend who owns a car importing business, so he is ready to ship as soon as I find a car. From what I can work out, what ever you pay in dollars, it will be the same in pounds sterling by the time the car is over here, registered and road legal. So it would be a lot cheaper to buy one over here, but it's finding one.....I don't mean any disrespect, but no I hadn't considered a Tbird. I bought the first Cougar based on one thing only (bear in mind that I had never heard of a Cougar until I bought it!) and that was the Cougar's heads in the rear lights! I know that's a bit sad, but that was the first thing I fell in love with, so it's got to have those!Going to spend the weekend on the Internet searching - will let you all know if something comes up.Have a good weekend,Niki Quote Selected
Niki's '87 Cat LS Reply #14 – November 05, 2007, 02:06:55 AM Hello. I am guessing you were the lady in the COTM in the Coolcats page some years ago. Did you have a black 4 eyed cougar, right ? i remember it had nice rims (these were a cromed ones if i am remembering correctly). I was surprised first because i thought it was right handed drive. Well, like my friends say, Welcome to the forum. Quote Selected