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Topic: So thats whats inside there (Read 469 times) previous topic - next topic

So thats whats inside there

did some hands on research.....

I took the rubbery thingy on the stator assembly straight to the caving table.  I found out the red and green are passing through straight to the tfi connection.  The black wire is soldered to the metal backing and the last connection is jumpered to the metal backing as well making the black a ground.  Yep, should've trusted my meter but curiosity got the best of me as i held it over a light bulb and swore i could see stuff in there.

I was originally trying to figure out what was up inside the stand off directly across from the magnet part but the harness came out instead,  I need to find out whats up inside that area, :D  I can only imagine that i will find a coil or something that will pass magnetic lines of flux and induce a current flow to the TFI. Im just not sure which direction things are flowing.  I think the red is power from the battery or tfi, the green must be some sort of varible ref determined by when the fins in the dizzy pass through the magnetic field and either increase or decrease current flow and thus enable spark to happen.

from what i learned here, i can say that its likely the solder connection for the black wire is very poor.  The black wire broke off very easy from the metal shell but the jumper was on real good.  The next time someone thinks they need to change this assembly out, i think they should first ground the black lead out before hand , if that gets your spark back, then problem solved.