Re: looking at an 87 cougar for my son's 16 B-day What would you do?
Reply #9 –
All teenagers beat on their cars even if just a little, saying you never did anything stupid with your car when you were a kid is
I havn't done anything terribly bad with my car but that is because I had to pay for my car myself doing yard work @ $5/hour as I have every other car, bike, snowmobile I have ever owned.
I believe as SSX said that he should buy his own car with his own money but thats just my :2c: and if you decide to buy your son a vehicle there's no problem with that but as they say "easy come easy go". I grew up in a household where money was tight and there were no hand outs, if you wanted something you worked and pinched pennys till you could afford it. And I learned to appreciate everything I had and looked after it even if it was , which in my experience is why a teen who buys their own car will look after it better than one who has one given to them (but there are exceptions!)
But now my rant has gotten off topic so I'm gonna go! :shoothead