Going to the track for the first time this year.
Reply #3 –
I think you're being a little optimistic with what you think it will run...a 14.2@99??? I could have told you that it would have been mid-14's at best...and once you find your problem, I still say it runs mid-14's. I had a similar problem at one point but only came on at 4k rpm like a real nasty miss.....plugs, wires, cap+rotor, coil didn't fix it....strangely enough an MSD coil remedied the problem...shortly after my fuel pump failed and when I pulled it out, the strainer(aka-sock) was laying at the bottom of the tank....I'm assuming that was the problem...possibly causing a lean miss at higher rpm...since a lean mixture takes more voltage to fire, I'm thinking that's why the MSD coil "fixed"(read: band-aided) the problem.
BTW, what gears do you have in the car?