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Topic: RailRoad Crossing Ticket (Read 1954 times) previous topic - next topic

RailRoad Crossing Ticket

Reply #15
Well that's cool man, glad to hear that you were vindicated. Although $44 for vindication still sucks. ;)

Ohio is actually one of the worst states in the U.S. for railroad crossings. We do have a LOT of railroad traffic, especially in the eastern part of the state, because of the steel mills. But some of the, they are messed up big time. A few years ago I dated a girl who lived on a rather long road; at one point a train track crossed it at around a 35-degree angle. No lights, no gates. I'm like, this is the 21st century, right?! How country bumpkin do you get when there are no safe provisions for something as massive as a locomotive that crosses a road? Subsequently there are a lot of railroad crossing accidents and deaths in Ohio. This site provides more information:

Hopefully this state (and ALL others) can get this situation addressed. I know that people will still be stupid and try to cross anyway. But everyone deserves safety at RR crossings. It is the state's responsibility to protect its citizens.

RailRoad Crossing Ticket

Reply #16
im usually the "prick" that stops without the gates down with only flashing lights.  i've been passed by others to go through without the gates down and when they were down.  i've only gotten 2 tickets ever, but still im an asshole for following the laws about rail crossing, but at the same time im an asshole for playing around on a public dirt road between 2 cow pastures.  go figure :screwy:

RailRoad Crossing Ticket

Reply #17
Just yesterday I was 3-4 blocks from a RR crossing and they were driving around it... Had a cop on my ass figured he's nab someone nope just pulled up to the crossing and waited...

Funniest ever was when I was stopped at a crossing behind a cop... Train cleared and cars started to go, but the car in front of him didn't move... Cop went up and taped on the window and the guy opened the door and fell into the road, was high as a kite... He got hauled off to the pokey...