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Topic: pedestal or stud (Read 1533 times) previous topic - next topic

pedestal or stud

Reply #15
Quote from: Paul Flockhart;124407
I've heard some of the pre-1977 castings were in fact stud mount.  Can anyone confirm either way?

 Yes shawn I saw your post:hick: however I'm not sure if you meant ALL or just 5.0's from 85 is on up....

paul,, see below,

pedestal or stud

Reply #16
Quote from: jcassity;124408
no, not true.,, not all heads are pedestal.

I dont mean all as in every head. Any cylinder head pertaining to these cars are pedastal mount.
It's Gumby's fault.

pedestal or stud

Reply #17
Quote from: Tbird232ci;124446
I dont mean all as in every head. Any cylinder head pertaining to these cars are pedastal mount.

i know you know that,, i just did not know if the other guy knew what you meant based on how he replied.